I need help with a psychological statistics paper


[Instructional text in this template is contained in square brackets ([…]). After reading the instructional text, please delete it, and use the document as a template for your own paper. To keep the correct format, cover page, and reference list with your own information, and add your own body text.

Full Title of Paper

Learner's Full Name

PSYC3700: Statistics for Psychology

Archival Data Project

Capella University

Month, Year

Title of Your Paper Here

[Introduce your topic and variables for the study. Incorporate and cite a total of six peer-reviewed journal articles related to your variables, research question, and hypotheses. State your null and alternate hypothesis. Make sure you’ve made changes based on your instructor’s feedback from Part 4 of your Week 7 assignment.]



[Describe the number of participants in the study. For this archival data project, the number of participants refers to the number of participants who responded to both of your selected variables. See Part 5 of your Week 5 assignment. Make any changes as noted in your instructor’s feedback.]


[Describe the measure used. See Part 5 of your Week 5 assignment. Make any changes as noted in your instructor’s feedback.]

Data Analysis

[Explain the form of analysis that you used to manipulate your data. See Part 4 of your Week 7 assignment. Make sure you’ve reviewed your instructor’s feedback and made any necessary adjustments.]


[Report the results of your statistical analysis. Reflect on whether your null hypothesis or alternate hypothesis is correct and make a conclusion in regard to the relationship between the variables. Include a chart or graph of your results.]


[In this section, you will discuss your results as they relate to other research studies. Explain the generalizability of your results. Include the validity and reliability of the study as well as any limitations.]


Provide an APA style reference for any source cited in your paper here.