1 Essay 750 words 1 Reflection 150 words are attached

Completing this Assessment will help you to meet the following outcome:

Course Outcomes

  • Identify training needs based upon the interpretation of an organization’s mission and goals.

Search the Internet or the Virtual Library to locate and analyze a company’s annual report. Write an approximately 750 essay addressing the following:

  • Summarize the company’s mission, values, goals, and organizational strategies.

  • Identify information regarding the company’s training practices and discuss how they relate to the goals and strategies.

  • Provide recommendations that you believe will help the organization be more in alignment with their mission statement and values.


This week’s focus was on e-Learning, the human capital and the important role it has on training and development. In addition, you will learn about the mission, values, goals and strategic training methods utilized in organization. In 150 of your own words, address the following prompts:

  • Compare and contrast two different companies’ mission and vision statements.

  • Of the two businesses you identified, which do you believe is more successful than the other, explain your answer?