Incorporating Quotes from Sources You have identified three subject matter experts (SMEs) that are experts in your chosen topic. Go through your sources and identify one quote per source that you can


Adolescent Drug Abuse

Jennifer Bacuylima

St. Thomas University

Adolescent Drug Abuse

Using Primary Sources


Primary Source:

Bhankhar, S. K., & Singh, S. (2023). Peer Pressure and Loneliness as Determinants of Adolescent Drug Abuse Behaviour. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing, 14(3).



Bhankhar & Singh


Background of the source

This article reviews existing literature on the risk factors for adolescent drug abuse, specifically focusing on peer pressure and loneliness. It synthesizes findings from both quantitative and qualitative studies to outline the factors contributing to drug abuse among adolescents.


What powerful words or phrases were used?

Phrases like "sensitive period," "risk factors," and "problematic patterns" emphasize the critical nature of adolescence and the significant impact of peer pressure and loneliness on drug use.

What purpose did the creator have? What makes you think this was the purpose?

The purpose was to provide a comprehensive review of risk factors to inform and improve intervention strategies. This is evident from the article's goal to summarize existing research and provide insights for better prevention measures.

What was the primary source’s audience?

The primary audience appears to be health professionals, educators, and policymakers interested in adolescent health and drug prevention.

What biases or stereotypes did you see in the primary source?

The article may implicitly assume that peer pressure and loneliness are the predominant factors without considering other socio-economic or cultural influences on drug abuse.

What key points did the creator of the primary source make?

  • Peer pressure and loneliness significantly contribute to adolescent drug abuse.

  • Early drug use can lead to more severe substance use issues later in life.


What are two conclusions you can draw about the topic from this source? For each conclusion, provide details from the source that support your conclusion.


Supportive details or evidence:

Peer pressure and loneliness are critical risk factors for adolescent drug abuse.

The article highlights that these factors are strongly linked to increased drug use among adolescents and that addressing them can help in reducing drug abuse.

Early intervention and targeted prevention strategies are necessary to address adolescent drug abuse effectively.

The review suggests that understanding and mitigating the impact of peer pressure and loneliness can lead to more effective interventions.

Questions for further study: What questions do you still have about the topic or that could be used to guide further investigation on the topic?

  • How do other socio-economic factors influence adolescent drug abuse?

  • What are the most effective intervention strategies to address the influence of peer pressure and loneliness?

Using Primary Sources


Primary Source:

Horigian, V. E., Robbins, M. S., Dominguez, R., Ucha, J., & Rosa, C. L. (2010). Principles for defining adverse events in behavioral intervention research: lessons from a family-focused adolescent drug abuse trial. Clinical Trials, 7(1), 58-68.



Horigian et al.


Background of the source:

This article discusses principles for defining and monitoring adverse events in behavioral intervention research, specifically within a family-focused study for adolescent drug abuse. It outlines the methodology and outcomes of the Brief Strategic Family Therapy (BSFT™) Effectiveness Study.


What powerful words or phrases were used?

Terms like "adverse events," "systematic monitoring," and "family-focused intervention" are used to stress the importance of careful evaluation in behavioral research.

What purpose did the creator have? What makes you think this was the purpose?

The purpose was to present and validate principles for defining and tracking adverse events in behavioral interventions. This is indicated by the detailed description of the principles and their application in the study.

What was the primary source’s audience?

The target audience includes researchers, clinicians, and practitioners involved in behavioral intervention and family therapy studies.

What biases or stereotypes did you see in the primary source?

There might be a bias towards the effectiveness of family-based interventions, potentially overlooking other forms of treatment or external factors influencing adverse events.

What key points did the creator of the primary source make?

  • The principles for defining adverse events should be validated and systematic.

  • Family members and adolescents in the BSFT™ study experienced various adverse events, with notable differences between intervention and control groups.


What are two conclusions you can draw about the topic from this source? For each conclusion, provide details from the source that support your conclusion.


Supportive details or evidence:

Monitoring and categorizing adverse events is crucial in evaluating the effectiveness of behavioral interventions.

The article details the principles and methods used to track adverse events in the BSFT™ study, emphasizing their importance for safety and efficacy.

Family-based interventions like BSFT™ can lead to a higher incidence of certain adverse events compared to traditional treatments.

The study found a higher rate of adverse events such as arrests and school suspensions in the BSFT™ group, highlighting the need for careful monitoring.

Questions for further study: What questions do you still have about the topic or that could be used to guide further investigation on the topic?

  • How do adverse events in family-based interventions compare with those in other treatment modalities?

  • What are the long-term impacts of adverse events on the effectiveness of behavioral interventions?

Using Primary Sources


Primary Source:

Ozechowski, T. J., & Liddle, H. A. (2000). Family-based therapy for adolescent drug abuse: Knowns and unknowns. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 3, 269-298.



Ozechowski & Liddle


Background of the source:

This review article examines the effectiveness of family-based therapy for treating adolescent drug abuse, summarizing findings from various controlled trials and therapy process studies.


What powerful words or phrases were used?

Phrases like "empirical support," "effective therapy," and "treatment development" emphasize the robust evidence and ongoing evolution of family-based therapies.

What purpose did the creator have? What makes you think this was the purpose?

The purpose was to review and synthesize existing knowledge on family-based therapy for adolescent drug abuse. This is evident from the comprehensive review of trials and studies presented.

What was the primary source’s audience?

The primary audience includes researchers, clinicians, and policymakers interested in evidence-based treatments for adolescent drug abuse.

What biases or stereotypes did you see in the primary source?

The focus on family-based therapy might overshadow other effective treatment approaches or fail to address the diversity of adolescent experiences with drug abuse.

What key points did the creator of the primary source make?

  • Family-based therapy is supported by substantial empirical evidence for treating adolescent drug abuse.

  • There are still unknowns and areas needing further research regarding the mechanisms and boundaries of effective therapy.


What are two conclusions you can draw about the topic from this source? For each conclusion, provide details from the source that support your conclusion.


Supportive details or evidence:

Family-based therapy is a well-supported approach for addressing adolescent drug abuse.

The article reviews multiple studies demonstrating the efficacy of family-based therapy in reducing drug use and related problems.

There are gaps in knowledge regarding the specific mechanisms and conditions under which family-based therapy is most effective.

The review identifies areas where further research is needed to better understand the components and processes of successful family-based interventions.

Questions for further study: What questions do you still have about the topic or that could be used to guide further investigation on the topic?

  • What are the specific components of family-based therapy that contribute most to its success?

  • How can family-based therapy be adapted to address diverse needs and backgrounds of adolescents?

What were some great aspects of the STU library?

Navigating the STU library has been a positive experience. I appreciate the user-friendly databases that make it easy to search for any topic. Visiting in person is also enjoyable, as I can utilize the computers and printers efficiently. The staff are incredibly helpful and approachable, always ready to assist with any queries. This support significantly enhances the overall library experience.

What were some more difficult aspects of navigating the STU Library?

One challenging aspect of navigating the STU Library was that I hadn’t been in school for over 24 years, so I needed a day to explore and familiarize myself with the resources. Initially, I felt somewhat lost, but as I continued to use the library, I became more comfortable and confident. With time, the process has become easier and more intuitive.


Bhankhar, S. K., & Singh, S. (2023). Peer Pressure and Loneliness as Determinants of Adolescent Drug Abuse Behaviour. Indian Journal of Health & Wellbeing14(3).

Horigian, V. E., Robbins, M. S., Dominguez, R., Ucha, J., & Rosa, C. L. (2010). Principles for defining adverse events in behavioral intervention research: lessons from a family-focused adolescent drug abuse trial. Clinical trials7(1), 58-68.

Ozechowski, T. J., & Liddle, H. A. (2000). Family-based therapy for adolescent drug abuse: Knowns and unknowns. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review3, 269-298.