Outline and compose a rough draft of your research paper. Revise your paper using this document to help you - Academic Writing Dos and Don'tsDownload Academic Writing Dos and Don'tsYour essay will be

Academic Writing Dos and Don’ts


  1. Do have a topic sentence.
    A topic sentence is the sentence that “sums up” what your paragraph be about. Make sure that each topic sentence supports the main idea of the entire essay or article.

  2. Do include enough detail sentences to support your topic sentence.
    Have at least one or two supporting detail sentences. Each paragraph should be three or more sentences long. Warning: Too many details will dilute your message.

  3. Do use paragraphs to separate different views of an argument.
    If you have sufficient details to support two or more different sides of an issue you should put each standpoint into its own separate paragraph.

  4. Do keep the paragraphs in your article around the same size.
    This is merely an esthetic preference for most readers. It can be difficult to achieve, but it’s worth it to make it easier on the readers eyes.

  5. Do use examples.

Make use of impressive examples and effective examples to support the whole paragraph.

  1. Do stay organized.

Always take care to explain only one idea in one paragraph. It should not have jumbled up ideas or details that do not make any sense to the reader.

  1. Do use a closing statement.

End the passage with an ending statement summarizing the entire discussion in the paragraph.


  1. Don’t include excessive, irrelevant details.
    Focus on your main purpose for writing. Too many details dilute your message. Period.

  2. Don’t include unverified content.
    Even one inaccurate detail can discredit your writing. If you don’t know for absolute certain a statement is true, say so even before you write it.

  3. Don’t present both sides of an argument in one paragraph.
    Reading an article from an undecided author can be daunting. It is often important to show both sides of an argument. Unless you have no supporting details for each argument you present, separate each point of view in separate paragraphs.

  4. Don’t let paragraphs get too long.
    Paragraphs taking up half or even whole pages can and should be broken down into at least three or even four paragraphs whenever possible. Do not add the details that are totally irrelevant to the topic under discussion. It will only end up in increasing

  5. confusion among the readers.

  6. Don’t confuse the reader. Do not try to confuse the reader by adding two or more main ideas in the same paragraph. It also depends upon the size of the piece. If it is meant to be long, you can describe each specific idea in a separate passage. Otherwise, you can write a passage with multiple ideas in case of short article writing.

Outline and compose a rough draft of your research paper.  Revise your paper using this document to help you - Academic Writing Dos and Don'tsDownload Academic Writing Dos and Don'tsYour essay will be 1