ADDIE: Phase One: Analysis and Design Components and Beginning of Evaluation Component This week you will begin designing your instructional unit using ADDIE as the instructional design model. Through






Compare & contrast different paradigms that influence instructional design. (ELCC2; WCU1;Confident


Collection of materials is based on similar paradigms & approaches. There is no evidence that the author understands the differences between these models.

Collection of materials is based on similar paradigms. The structure of the materials provides evidence the author recognizes that each paradigm supports difference between models.

Collection of materials is based on an understanding of the perspective of learning model. The structure proposed is supportive of the general assumptions of the learning model.

Collection of materials is based on an understanding of the perspective of learning model & fully integrates the intended approach with appropriate domains & levels of mastery for the content.

Use of concept mapping as planning tool.



Concept mapping was not used as an instructional planning tool.

Planning map highlighted major parts of the instructional unit but needed additional detail to serve as a framework for a lesson design.

Planning map highlighted major parts of the lesson & included all required elements, providing a functional framework for the lesson.

Planning map highlighted major parts of the lesson & includes clear options for student interaction & lesson intervention.

Development of problem/project-based instruction




Design does not allow for the development of critical thinking skills

Design allows for the development of critical thinking skills in the solution of a highly structured problem.

Design allows for the development of critical thinking skills in the solution of an open- ended problem.

Design allows for students to define parts of the problem or project & requires the application of expected skills.

Use of design & scaffolding tools to support collaborative learning environments ELCC2.1;CF3;EG1)

Scaffolding & support tools were very directed in all paradigms. All plans were structured as strong teacher centric experiences.

Scaffolding & support tools were not fully developed in some lessons. The plans mixed teacher & student centric experiences.

Scaffolding & support tools were selected & applied in some lessons. The plans mixed teacher & student centric experiences.

By the end of the learning experience, students were able to direct & apply their own learning. Mistakes were an expected part of the learning experience.

All materials have a clear purpose & focus on expected outcomes.

Planned learning experiences did not support the intended objectives of the lesson.

Planned learning experiences indirectly supported the intended objectives of the lesson.

Planned learning experiences directly supported the intended objectives of the lesson.

Planned learning experiences directly supported the intended objectives of the lesson & provided an opportunity for meaningful application.

Materials are useful & easy to implement.

Materials need explanation by the author or there are major omissions in the design in order to be implemented successfully.

Materials need additional development by the user in order to be implemented successfully.

Materials provide a solid framework that would be useful to an experienced teacher.

Materials provide a solid framework that would be useful to a novice teacher.

Spelling, Grammar, Mechanics

Materials were of poor quality.

Assignment was of marginal quality-several errors noted.

Assignment was of adequate quality-a few errors noted.

Assignment was of excellent quality - no errors noted.