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ADDIE: Phase One: Analysis and Design Components and Beginning of Evaluation Component This week you will begin designing your instructional unit using ADDIE as the instructional design model. Through

ADDIE: Phase One: Analysis and Design Components and Beginning of Evaluation Component

This week you will begin designing your instructional unit using ADDIE as the instructional design model. Throughout the five-week course, you will work on the instructional unit, and it will be submitted in three phases. You will begin by designing Phase One of the ADDIE unit, which includes the analysis and design components. In addition, you will begin the evaluation component in this phase. The evaluation component will be further developed at the end of Phase Three (at the end of the course). You will have this week and next week to complete ADDIE Phase Two. As you will note, Phase Two is due on October 20.

When this course is taught during the school year, students are required to design a unit that can be implemented in their classrooms during the time span of this course.  It will be necessary for you to select a grade level, content area, and specific standards that will make up the focus for a unit. Please note that, in order to meet the accreditation standards for this course, it will be necessary that you use two specific models for instruction when you complete ADDIE Phase Two (the Development component). The specific required models for instruction are: Concept attainment instructional design model and Critical thinking/Problem/Project-based designs. Therefore, as you are determining what content etc. that your unit will cover, make certain that the unit content itself will lend itself to these two design models. You will learn much more about these as we move into weeks two and three.


  • For all phases of the ADDIE instructional unit, all students are REQUIRED to use the ADDIE Instructional Unit Template for formatting this assignment. No exceptions!!! This template is available in this Module
  • See the ADDIE PHASE ONE SCORING RUBRIC. This information should guide your work throughout Phase One.
  • Chapter two in your textbook should also serve as a valuable resource.
  • Pay careful attention to Figure 2-4 on page 40 as you work on the Analysis component and Figure 2-5 as you work on the Design component.
  • In addition, view the video for the Analysis and Design components (also available in the Week One Resources in the CANVAS classroom).
  • As you begin planning your instructional unit, you must also design a pretest that will be used at the beginning of your unit, along with formative and summative assessments. The best-case scenario would be for you to actually administer the pretest at the beginning of this process so that you can use this data to directly guide the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of the overall unit.
  • It is critical that both formative and summative assessments are designed at the beginning of creating the instructional unit in order to provide focused, guided instruction along the way.
  • Your submission for ADDIE Phase One should include the ADDIE analysis and design components, along with the pretest, summative, and formative assessments of the ADDIE evaluation component.
  • The scoring rubric for this assignment is displayed below.
  • ADDIE PHASE ONE EXEMPLAR ONE: PE Unit (Attached in the Module)
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