Hi I need to write an Rhetorical Analysis Essay about the article essay “ how it feels to be coloured me “ by Zora Neale Hurston. I attached that article essay here. Word count is 750 to 900. MLA form

Short Rhetorical Anal ysis Essay Assignment Due: Friday October 25 , 202 4 at 11:59pm Weight: 25% Length: 750 -900 words Assignment Description: The goal of this assignment is for students to write a rhetorical analysis of one text from the course . The essay must implement the compositional skills of essay writing discussed in the writing workshops to form one coherent essay. The essay must have a singular argument that is indicated by the thesis statement. Essays should demonstrate close reading skills and proper paragraph structures including an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and a concl uding paragraph. Essays must also include a title, page numbers, and a Works Cited page, all of which should be formatted in accordance with the MLA guidelines. Students sh ould not include secondary sources in this essay. Essay Topic /Method for Rhetorical Analysis: 1. Perform a traditional rhetorical analysis that analyzes the writer ’s use of the “Three Appeals” of persuasion : ethos, pathos, and logos. How do the authors use these appeals and to what effect? Unite your bod y paragraphs under a single, argumentative thesis statement. Formatting: Essays should be uniformly double spaced (no greater), written in Times New Roman size 12 font, and formatted according to the MLA style. Students will be deducted 1% per error for MLA formatting deviations, and failure to include a Works Cited page will r esult in an automatic 5% deduction. Additional Notes: The use of artificial intelligence to complete this assignment (such as ChatGPT, Grammarly, and all others) is strictly prohibited and will result in an automatic failing grade of zero. Following the two -day grace period, students will be deducted 5% per day that the essay is overdue. Notably, students may not write on the same text they discuss in this essay for the ir Com parative Research Essay.