Write an essay

essay1topics v

English 112 - Professor DiTommaso

Topics for Essay #1

Your first essay will give you an opportunity to incorporate quotes and/or paraphrases from ONE of the articles that we read into your essay. For this assignment, you must use one of the articles listed in the topics on the next page. Do not pick your own source. Please use the structure listed below and make sure that you quote or paraphrase at least once in every supporting paragraph. Every single time that you quote or paraphrase, be sure that you use MLA Format and state the author's last name and page number. Also, be sure that you do a Works Cited page on a new page after your essay ends. The Works Cited page is worth 10 points.

Your essay should be at least 5 paragraphs and about 500 words (about 3 pages). You will receive a tentative grade for this essay and have the option to revise it for a higher grade. If you want to receive feedback on the essay before you submit it for a grade, please email it to me as a Microsoft Word attachment by the Wednesday night before the essay is due. NOTE: PLEASE BE SURE TO SUBMIT YOUR ESSAY AS A MICROSOFT WORD ATTACHMENT. PDF FILES, GOOGLE DOCS, AND OTHER FORMATS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.


1. Select a topic that interests you from the list on the next page and review the reading on that topic.


2. Then, organize your essay with the outline (This is a separate homework assignment and you should do it before you write out the essay)

• Write your argument (thesis) on the top of your paper and list reasons (topic sentences) to support your side (required)

• Select quotations from the reading that support each of your reasons (required)

• If you like, you can add any additional information to the outline that might help you plan.

3. MLA Format requires that the first page of your essay has the following on the top, left margin, double spaced:

Your Name

Professor DiTommaso

Course Number, Section Number

4. Write a rough draft on the topic with

• An introduction

⁃ Introductory sentences (give background information, ask a question, etc.)

⁃ A brief summary of the article or essay that you are writing about (optional)

⁃ A thesis that states your argument or side (answer the question from the topic)

• 3 Supporting paragraphs - Each one should have the following parts:

⁃ A topic sentence that states one reason to defend your thesis

⁃ Details (general explanations) from society and from your experiences

⁃ At least one quote and/or paraphrase from the reading to support your details with an in-text citation after each and every quote or paraphrase like (Brady 277).

⁃ Details that relate the quote or paraphrase to your point (Bring it back to the big idea

⁃ A closing sentence

• A conclusion

⁃ Sum up your main reasons and points, restate your argument, or propose a solution

• A Works Cited Page (Worth 10 points)

⁃ On a new page after your conclusion

⁃ Write Works Cited on the top of the paper and provide a full reference to the reading that you used in MLA format - use the MLA handbook listed in Weeks 2 and 3 to do this.


1. Do you believe that the "pink tax" is a form of sexism? What are the primary causes of "the pink tax?" Use Elliott's "The Pink Tax" to describe the reasons that this tax exists in American society.

2. What do you think should be done to stop "the pink tax?" Use Elliott's "The Pink Tax" to describe the best ways to solve this problem and promote equal treatment of female consumers.

3. Why do you believe there has been such a recent sudden increase in sexual assault allegations?
Use White's "America's Sexual-Assault Epidemic" to describe the reasons that large numbers of women have recently accused men of harassment and abuse.

4. What are the best ways to solve the sexual assault epidemic? Use White's "America's Sexual-Assault Epidemic" to describe the best ways to solve this problem and promote a safe environment for women.

5. Do you believe that the standards for women in American society are higher than the standards for men? Use Brady's "I Want a Wife" to discuss the extent to which women face unrealistic expectations in American society.