Throughout this course, you will create a marketing plan for a hypothetical company providing creating a marketing plan for a hypothetical company that provides a product or service. (Remember, you se

MKT500: Marketing Management

Week 4 Assignment Template - Marketing Plan Part A

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Date: Click or tap here to enter text.


Throughout this course, you will be creating a marketing plan for a hypothetical company that provides a product or service. For this assignment, you will build a foundation for your marketing plan by building a situational analysis for your hypothetical company. This will include background information, a mission statement, your company's goals, a competitive analysis, and a SWOT analysis.  

Note: You may make all necessary assumptions needed for the completion of this assignment.  

Template Instructions

  • Complete all five sections of this assignment template. Detailed assignment instructions are provided in each section. 

  • Type all answers directly on this template. Read the instructions for each section and answer all the questions using your own words and complete sentences. Note the required number of paragraphs for each response. Do not simply copy and paste direct quotes from any source. Be sure to cite your sources if you paraphrase or summarize other authors’ ideas.  

  • Ensure your responses reflect your knowledge from the course readings and other resources. Provide a detailed rationale for your responses supported by evidence from resources. 

  • Review the assignment rubric to ensure you have completed all sections correctly before submitting the template on your Canvas assignment page.  

  • Produce writing that is clear and well organized and applies appropriate SWS style. Your writing should contain accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.  

  • Use at least two quality sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant (within the last 5 years), and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review the Library Guide

  • Save the file as: Lastname_Firstname_MKT500_WK4_Assignment and submit it through the assignment link in your course. 

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The library is your home for SWS assistance, including citations and formatting. Please refer to the Library site for all supports. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


  • Course Textbook 

  • SWOT Analysis Sample [PDF] contains examples.  (Note: Accessible in the assignment Resources section of the Week 4 Assignment page in the course.)


Instructions: Your answer in this section should be 1-2 paragraphs. Refer to the Week 1 Discussion.

*In each section of this assignment template, you will click/tap in the indicated field to type your responses. The field will automatically adjust in size as you type.

1. Write an introduction to your hypothetical company, describing its location, the product it makes or the service it provides, and introduce the key components for this part of your marketing plan.

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Instructions: Your answers in this section should be 1-2 paragraphs for each prompt. Use complete sentences.

2a. Create a mission statement for your company that includes the following:

  • The long-term view of your company.

  • Description of your company’s industry, goals, and values.

Below your mission statement, write a rationale explaining the purpose of a mission statement and why you chose this statement for your company.

(Note: do not confuse a mission statement with a tag line, slogan, or positioning statement. Your mission statement should resonate with your customers/consumers as well as with your employees and stakeholders.

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2b. Describe the short-term goals (within one year) and long-term goals (within five years) for your company and appropriate ways to measure them both.   

  • Your goals should be realistic, practical, and “SMART” (Specific; Measurable; Assignable; Realistic; and Time-based). 

  • Consider revenue and profit when creating your goals. The following metrics would likely be considered: increases in market share, new product adoption rates, retention, rate of growth compared to competition and the market, and margin.   

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Instructions: Your answers in this section should be 3-4 paragraphs. Use complete sentences in your analysis and do not simply answer the questions. (Note: this section was started in the Week 2 Discussion. Review the feedback and provide a complete analysis here.)

3. Develop a competitive analysis for your hypothetical company that reviews two competitors for your company. Include the following required components in the analysis:

  • Explain why you selected these two competitors.

  • Describe the product or service offered by each competitor and how it is similar or different to your product or service.

  • Describe the reputation of each competitor.

  • Analyze the social media presence of each competitor (including platforms, types of content, the number of followers, and their customer reviews including the company response.)

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Instructions: Your answers in this section should be entered into the table and the analysis should be 2 paragraphs per category (8-9 total). Refer to the SWOT Analysis Sample PDF linked in the assignment Resources section of the Week 4 Assignment page in the course.

4. Develop a SWOT outline examining at least three strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for your company. (Complete the written portion of the analysis below the table)


Add three short bullets in the response section listing the strengths. (Note: strengths are internal and under your control. Think about features and benefits to the customer)

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Add three short bullets in the response section listing the weaknesses. (Note: weaknesses are internal and under your control)

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Add three short bullets in the response section listing the opportunities. (Note: opportunities are external, happening outside your company, that you can take advantage of such as new technology)

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Add three short bullets in the response section listing the threats. (Note: threats are external, happening outside your company, that will impact your business, such as new government policies or laws)

Click or tap here to enter text.

Complete your written SWOT analysis below. Rationalize why you chose these SWOT elements, explain the importance of each SWOT element as it relates to marketing your product or service, and explain the impact to the business and/or customer. (Note: refer to the instructions and sample provided, but do not copy any information from the sample. It is provided to model expected depth and scope and should not be used in your response) 

Click or tap here to enter text.


Instructions: Use the space below to complete your source list. Be sure to utilize the Strayer Writing Standards. Refer to your assignment instructions above to ensure you have the required number of sources.

Click or tap here to enter text.


Be sure to review your work for clarity, spelling, and formatting before submitting. Refer to the instructions at the top of the template to save and submit your finished assignment.

© 2022 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. 

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