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5 Parts of Writing Project 3

  1. Campaign Brief: This document can be in the form of a letter, memo, or resume-like document and will be 1-2 pages in length. The goal of this document is to rhetorically define different aspects of your campaign. It should answer these questions as specifically as possible:

    1. What is your chosen problem or issue?

    2. Who is the primary audience? Who is the secondary audience?

    3. What is your goal with the campaign?

    4. What localized solution or course of action will you be advocating for in this campaign?

    5. How would you define success for your campaign? How will you evaluate and measure that success?

  2. Campaign Kit: This document can be formatted as bullet points or numbered and will be 1-2 pages in length. It should examine the below for each of your two campaign materials as specifically as possible:

    1. What is the genre of your chosen campaign material?

    2. Why did you choose this genre? What makes this genre the best choice for your specific campaign?

    3. How will this material be circulated to target your primary or secondary audience?

    4. What will you include in your material to advocate for your solution and incite your audience to public action?

  3. Textual Campaign Material: The first campaign material you will create must be text- based. This can be an opinion editorial, a public letter, a newsletter, a press release, a fact sheet, a petition, etc. I do not have a set length for this material, but it should be of adequate length for the selected genre. For example, if you choose to create a press release, research and read through some real press releases to see how long they are and what conventions they follow. You can do the same for any genre you choose.

  4. Visual or Multimodal Campaign Material: The second campaign material you will create must be visual or multimodal based. This can be a flier, a poster, a Facebook Page, a website, a photo essay, a short video, a blog, an ad, a service announcement, etc. I do not have a set length for this material, but it should be of adequate length for the selected genre. For example, TV ads are typically thirty seconds or a minute in length, so if you choose to create an ad, that would be an ideal length.

  5. Reflection/Self-Analysis: This document must be a 500–750-word self-analysis of the rhetorical choices you made while creating your campaign materials. Following the model for analysis we have used in the previous two units, the analysis should present an example of a specific rhetorical feature you implemented and explore what effect that feature has on the message, purpose, or audience response. Please note, you do not need to examine every rhetorical feature, just those that you think are most prevalent in your campaign materials. You should spend roughly equal space analyzing each of your two materials.

Resources & Tools

In addition to spelling out the five required parts of this project above, I am also including some resources and tools for you to use when creating your campaign materials. Some of these contain examples you can peruse or tools that may be of use to you:

Photographs & Images Resources:

Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/explore

Flickr Commons: http://www.flickr.com/commons/

Stockvault (free stock images): http://www.stockvault.net/

Free Media Goo: http://www.freemediagoo.com/

Pinterest: https://pinterest.com

Public domain photos: http://www.pdphoto.org/

MorgueFile: http://www.morguefile.com/

Library of Congress, American Memories photos, not copyright free: http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/index.html

Examples of Visual Advertisements:

The Advertising Archives from the U.K. : http://www.advertisingarchives.co.uk/en/category/show_list_page.html

Adbusters (Parody ads via Google Images): http://www.google.com/images?q=adbuster+spoof+ads&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wi&biw=1280&bih=617

Jazz Age Work Incentive Posters: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_vault/2013/08/31/mather_posters_workplace_incentive_art_from_the_1920s.html

Examples of Comics and Storyboards:

The Oatmeal: http://theoatmeal.com/comics

Storyboards: http://accad.osu.edu/womenandtech/Storyboard%20Resource/

Examples of Public Service Announcements (PSAs):

Ad Council PSAs: http://www.adcouncil.org/gallery.html

The Trevor Project: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMaVp_kQDqU

Give a Damn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-E7fykpeGc

Animal cruelty: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gspElv1yvc

Peace Corp: http://www.peacecorps.gov/index.cfm?shell=resources.media.psa

Two award winning PSAs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD16K-fr7bg

Chris Rock Live Earth Veggies: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=had0aRxPDno

Photo-manipulation Tools:

GIMP Free Software: https://www.gimp.org/

Paint.net: https://www.getpaint.net/

Adobe Suite (If you have access to it)

Pixton: https://www.pixton.com/

Multimedia Tools:

Glogster (create online posters): http://www.glogster.com/

Rasterbator (Make Giant Posters): https://rasterbator.net/

Animoto (create online video slideshows): http://animoto.com/

Make Fake Newspapers: http://www.fodey.com/generators/newspaper/snippet.asp

Make Motivation Posters: http://bighugelabs.com/flickr/motivator.php

Big Huge Labs: https://bighugelabs.com

iMovie (already installed on most Macs)

ClipChamp (for Videos): https://clipchamp.com/en/

Tools for Visuals:

Canva: https://www.canva.com/

PiktoChart: https://piktochart.com/

Sound & Audio Tools:

Audacity (free sound editor): http://audacity.sourceforge.net/

Jamendo (music samples, sound effects, etc): http://www.jamendo.com/en/

PacDV (free sound effects): http://www.pacdv.com/sounds/

Sound Jay (free sound effects): http://www.soundjay.com/

Free Stock Music: https://incompetech.com/

Fotobabble (add audio to photos): http://www.fotobabble.com/

Voice Thread (allows collaborative online commenting about various media): http://voicethread.com/

Screencast-o-matic (screen capture with audio and webcam option): http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/

Website Creation Tools:

Weebly: http://www.weebly.com/

Google Sites: http://sites.google.com/

Wix: http://www.wix.com/

WordPress: https://wordpress.com/