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Quantitative Data Analysis
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There are two parts to this assignment. Each part can be submitted in Blackboard for grading separately or as a single document with clear headings to identify each part and its components. If submitting separate documents, they must be uploaded at the same time, as this assignment will be graded based on completion of all requirements in both parts.
A unique data set has been provided to each student by the instructor. Refer to the appropriate data set to complete each part of this assignment. (attachment 248225)
Part I: Report Descriptive Statistics and Normality
Report descriptive statistics for the data set.
Test the distribution of the leadership variable (ldrship) using the Shapiro-Wilk test.
Test the distribution of the aptitude variable using the Anderson-Darling test.
Please make sure you use R cmdr or another statistics program.
Your part I submission should be completed in APA style in report format. It must be a minimum of four pages not including the title page or reference page. Grammar, spelling, tables, and figures must be formatted in APA style. Results to be included are:
the descriptive statistics for the data set,
results of the distribution of the leadership variable (ldrship) using the Shapiro-Wilk test,
results of the distribution of the aptitude variable using the Anderson-Darling test bar chart, and
a brief narrative explaining results.
Part II: Create a Histogram, Bar Chart, Boxplot, Q-Q Plot, and Cross-tabulation assignment (Chi-Square Test)
For part II:
Create a histogram using the job satisfaction variable (jobsat).
Create a bar chart using the education variable
Create a boxplot using the skill variable
Create a QQ plot using the organizational commitment variable (orgcom)
This part of your part II submission should be completed in APA style in report format. It must be a minimum of three pages not including the title page or reference page. Grammar, spelling, tables, and figures must be formatted in APA style. Results to be included are:
the histogram,
the bar chart,
the boxplot,
the QQ plot, and
a brief narrative explaining the results.
Next, select the appropriate test to answer this research question: What is the association between education and gender?
This part of your part II submission should be completed in APA style in report format. It must be a minimum of three pages not including the title page or reference page. Grammar, spelling, tables, and figures must be formatted in APA style. Results to be included are:
the cross-tabulation table,
the chi square results, and
a brief narrative explaining the results.
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Grading Rubric
10 possible points (10%)
Mean and Standard Deviation Skewness and Kurtosis
10 possible points (10%)
Leadership Variable Normality Results
10 possible points (10%)
Aptitude Variable Normality Results
10 possible points (10%)
10 possible points (10%)
10 possible points (10%)
Bar Chart
10 possible points (10%)
QQ Plot
10 possible points (10%)
Chi – Square Test
10 possible points (10%)
Writing Mechanics
10 possible points (10%)