PRE-EDTPA PRACTICE TASK 2 ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW “edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by teacher preparation programs throughout the United Stat

EDUC 319

Pre-edTPA Practice Task 2 Making Good Choices Video Reflection Template

Video Recording

List one way to fulfill your professional responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of students in your video clips.

According to your edTPA handbook, what is the number and length required for your video clips?


Number of Clip(s):

Length of Clip(s):

Use highlighting to select the primary source of evidence for Task 2.

Evidence 1 – Lesson Plans
Evidence 2 – Instruction Commentary
Evidence 3 – Video Clips

Learning Environment

Rubric 6

What are two characteristics of a positive learning environment?



Engaging Students

Rubric 7

What should your video clip include to show engagement in students?

Deepening Student Learning

Rubric 8

Use highlighting to select the best evidence (from the list in the column to the right) for deepening student learning.

Evidence 1 - Asking yes or no questions.

Evidence 2 - Providing feedback and asking follow-up questions.

Evidence 3 - Assigning independent work on higher-level questions

Explain your choice.

Subject-Specific Pedagogy OR Supporting Teaching and Learning

Rubric 9

There should be video evidence of students applying the taught skills/strategies while the teacher provides supports. True or False?

Analyzing Teacher Effectiveness

Rubric 10

What should you use to justify your suggested change to future instruction?