Post Your Introduction [WLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] Introduce yourself to the class! In your initial post, include the following: Your nickname, if any.The state where you live.Your
UAGC | MHA624 | Week 01 |Navigating the Website[MUSIC PLAYING]
NARRATOR: Welcome to MHA624 week one, navigating the website. This video will list the step-by-step
instructions on how the team should select a hospital and how each team member can select their specific
measure for their quality improvement initiative for assignments in weeks two, three, and six.
In the search bar of your browser, insert the following URL with no period at the end,
compare/. Select hospitals in the left navigation area. For this example, enter the zip code 20147. Select
Ashburn, VA-20146 20147 from the dropdown list.
Select search. You will be directed to the next screen. It is recommended that each team select a poor
performing hospital. In this case, let's select Reston Hospital Center.
When selecting the hospital's name, Reston Hospital Center, the hospital's Medicare home page appears. This
page includes the patient survey rating and the hospital's quality scores for timely and effective care,
complications and deaths, unplanned hospital visits, maternal health, psychiatric unit services, and payment and
value of care. These are the main categories on the web page.
Each student must select a specific measure from one category, depending on the student's professional
background or specific interest. Note that this website is dynamic and the ratings get updated in real time. All
team members on the same team can select different specific measures from one category, such as patient
survey rating or various categories such as patient survey rating and timely and effective care and other
Let's examine measures under patient survey rating by selecting view survey details. For the specific measure,
patients who reported that they always received help as soon as they wanted. Reston Hospital Center scored
47%, compared to the Virginia average of 62% and the national average of 66% There is ample room for
Let's examine other measures under the complications and deaths category. As you can note, the measure rate
of complications for hip or knee replacement patients is no different than the national rate. The measure serious
complications is better than the national rating. It is recommended that you find another measure with a lower
score than the national rating. However, if the selected measure is related to your job and you feel strongly about
your chosen measure, then you may include it in your QI initiative.
Let's examine measures under the unplanned hospital visits category. The overall readmission rate after
discharge from the hospital hospital-wide is too broad to be included in the QI initiative. You need to focus on a
specific measure by medical condition, like heart failure or by procedure, like hip or knee replacement. If you
have any questions regarding selecting a proper measure for your QI initiative, be sure to reach out to your