Please write in APA 7th edition format


Paper Title

Your Name

University Affiliation

Course Number and Name

Instructor Name

Assignment Due Date

Paper Title

The first section of the paper is the introduction. A section heading is not required for an introduction but, if you choose to use one, it should be the paper title, exactly as shown on the title page, not bolded. Use the introduction to let the reader know exactly what will be discussed in your paper. I will sometimes write the introduction last and use my section headings to guide the content. No matter how you do it, the topic of the paper should be very clear to the reader. The introduction should only be one to two paragraphs.

Condition/Disease Name

Background Information

This section of the paper will cover the basic background information for the topic you have chosen. Include any important information related to the disease/condition, including a definition of the disease process, signs and symptoms of the disease, and a brief summary of the pathophysiology of this condition. This section, and all following sections, should be written at a scholarly level- treat this like you are discussing this disease process with a fellow healthcare professional, not as a patient education module. Include appropriate and relevant historical data on this topic. Discuss how/why this topic is important to nursing practice.

Possible Causes and Risk Factors

In this section, you will provide an overview of all possible causes and risk factors for the disease/condition you have chosen to discuss. Be very detailed and clear, using complete sentences and supporting information from your chosen resources.

Incidence and Prevalence

Loosely defined, incidence is the rate of new or newly diagnosed cases of a disease. It is most meaningful when reported as a fraction of the population at risk of developing the disease, (i.e.- per 100,000 people in the population). You should break incidence down further by age, gender and race.

Prevalence is the number of cases alive with the disease during a particular time frame or at a particular date in time. Prevalence should also be further broken down by age, gender, and race. Be very detailed and clear, using complete sentences and supporting information from your chosen resources.

Diagnostics and Prognosis

This section will contain information about the diagnostic measures for this disease and the prognosis once someone has been diagnosed. You should discuss how the disease is diagnosed (labs, procedures, radiography, physical examination, etc.) and any known factors that contribute to a better or worse prognosis. You should discuss 5 and 10-year survival rates for this disease. Be very detailed and clear, using complete sentences and supporting information from your chosen resources.

Treatment Options

In this section, you will present an overview of the treatment options for the disease you have chosen. Be thorough and include examples of each of the following types of treatments: pharmacologic, non-pharmacologic, surgical, and complementary/alternative medicine. If there are no applicable treatments from one of these types for your disease, clearly state so. Discuss how the treatment options may vary based on the staging or severity of the disease. Be very detailed and clear, using complete sentences and supporting information from your chosen resources.

Intervention Name

Intervention Overview

In this section you will choose and discuss ONE intervention for the disease you have discussed previously. This intervention should be directly related to your topic and may be a preventative measure, a diagnostic/screening tool, or a treatment. Include any important information related to the intervention, including a detailed description of the intervention and appropriate historical information. Be very detailed and clear, using complete sentences and supporting information from your chosen resources.

Recommendations Regarding the Intervention

In this section, you will provide information about professional recommendations related to the chosen intervention, including who, how, when, where, why, etc. (I.e.- for the topic of breast cancer: who should get screening mammograms, how should they be performed, when should they be done, where can/should they be performed, why are they needed, are there any populations that need different recommendations, etc). This section must be supported by references from professional organizations that make practice guidelines (i.e.- American Cancer Society recommendations for mammograms in breast cancer screenings).

Limitations, Harms, and Associated Risks of Intervention

This section of your paper will cover all limitations or potential limitations related to the intervention. Why might the intervention not be used? In what patient populations or specific conditions might the intervention be impossible or contraindicated? Are there any known harms or associated risks related to the intervention? Be very detailed and clear, using complete sentences and supporting information from your chosen resources.

Research Related to the Intervention

The assignment for this section of the paper is to locate one piece of research that has studied the intervention. This should be a published research study related to the topic, not practice guidelines or patient education. You will be providing a summary of the study and explaining how the research proves reliability and supports the use of the intervention in this section. I must see the word reliability so that it is very clear what is being discussed.

Levels of Prevention

In this section, you will present definitions for each level of prevention (primary, secondary, and tertiary), and give examples of each as they relate to the condition you are discussing. You will also include an explanation of what level of prevention your chosen intervention would fall under.


Your conclusion section should be a brief, 1-2 paragraph summary of what has been presented in your paper. You want to briefly summarize the sections covered, and do not include any new material.


Author, A. A. (Year of publication). Title of work: Capital letter also for subtitle (# edition). Publisher. DOI (if available) Book Reference

Group name. (Year, Month Date). Title of page. Site name. URL Webpage with Group Author Reference

Lastname, F. M., & Lastname, F. M. (Year). Title of article. Title of Periodical, Vol.(Issue), page numbers. DOI Electronically-Retrieved Journal Article Reference

  • Review APA formatting for different resources and be sure you use the correct format for references (journals, webpages, books, etc)

  • Reference list is kept double-spaced and uses hanging indents, no bullet points

  • Reference list entries are done in alphabetical order

  • All in-text citations must have a corresponding reference-list entry and vice versa

    • If I see Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a reference list entry, I should be able to find Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as an in-text citation