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Prof. Weber
Rhetorical Essay
During our reading of Fahrenheit 451 we have identified examples of ethos, pathos, and logos. Additionally, we have discussed how these rhetorical devices impact the characters and the reader’s understanding of the novel. In this essay, students will select one example related to each of the three rhetorical devices in three different situations within the novel and then explain how the author’s utilization of each device impacts the reader’s experience. Students will answer the required analysis questions (see below) to generate ideas in the analysis section of each body paragraph.
This essay of at least 3.5 full, double-spaced pages (no more than 4 pages) will include an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. The essay will include a proper MLA heading, title, margins, and spacing. The essay will be written in Times New Roman, font size 12. Each quotation will include an MLA in-text citation and a properly formatted MLA Works Cited page.
Required Analysis Questions
After identifying an explaining an example of rhetoric, here are the required questions that each student will answer in the analysis section of each body paragraph (1-2 sentences each): How is the selected scene from the novel a good representation of the rhetorical device? What is the author trying to accomplish by utilizing this rhetorical device? How does the use of this rhetorical device impact how we understand the relationship between one character or between two characters? How does this rhetorical device impact our understanding of the broader plot? In the end, is the author’s use of the rhetorical device effective? Answering these questions in 1-2 sentences each directly helps the student writer to generate ideas and build the analysis in each body paragraph. Be sure to include the answers to these guiding questions in the analysis section of each body paragraph, but do not include the questions themselves. Students may add some supplemental ideas, but the required analysis questions must be answered.
The key to success in this essay is to carefully read the novel and select examples of rhetorical devices that might generate ideas. Students are encouraged to develop an outline and write a rough draft. The instructor will provide students with an opportunity for a rough draft review. Students may visit the Writing Center up to two (2) times to review the assignment or a draft.
Rhetorical Essay Grading Rubric
Component | Points |
Introduction Paragraph | /3 |
Thesis statement | /2 |
Topic Sentences (3) | /10 |
Quote selection (the quote represents a character utilizing the selected rhetorical device) | /10 |
Rhetorical device selection (the selected example reasonably aligns with ethos, pathos, or logos) | /10 |
Grammar, tone, syntax, diction | /10 |
Thoughtful, relevant analysis (answering each of the required questions) | /50 |
Conclusion paragraph | /5 |
Automatic Deductions: Up to 5 points for improper MLA formatting (indentations, spacing, font style/size, margins). Up to 5 points for improperly formatted MLA in-text citations or Works Cited page. The essay will not be accepted for credit without citations and/or a Works Cited page. The essay will not be eligible for credit if written on a topic that, at the discretion of the professor, does not align with the assigned topic. The essay will not be eligible for credit if, in the judgment of the instructor, the student has utilized Artificial Intelligence to generate portions of the essay and/or plagiarized in other forms in violation of AACC’s Academic Integrity policy.
Provide a broad overview of the current thinking about the topic, issue, or problem. Write about how rhetoric influences conversations or situations in society, but do not include definitions of ethos, pathos, or logos. Do not include any quotes, evidence, or facts. Provide an overview of the novel and the author, and how rhetorical devices play a role in the novel. Instructor samples and models will be provided. Include a strong, purposeful thesis statement at the end of the introduction. Sample argumentative thesis: An analysis of ethos, pathos, and logos in Fahrenheit 451 proves that rhetorical devices impact characters, their situations, the broader plot, and the way in which readers understand the story.
Body Paragraphs 1, 2, and 3 (one body paragraph each for ethos, pathos, or logos)
Begin with a topic sentence that identifies a rhetorical device and (briefly) describes the scene in which it occurs.
Provide context by briefly explaining the scene (1-2 sentences). Note: avoid plot summary!
Introduce quotation #1 from the novel (a quotation that directly connects to the selected rhetorical device). Note: do not forget the parenthetical citation!
Explain how one characters utilizes a rhetorical device in this scene (1-2 sentences).
After identifying an explaining an example of rhetoric, here are the required questions that each student will answer in the analysis section of each body paragraph (1-2 sentences each): How is the selected scene from the novel a good representation of the rhetorical device? What is the author trying to accomplish by utilizing this rhetorical device? How does the use of this rhetorical device impact how we understand the relationship between one character or between two characters? How does this rhetorical device impact our understanding of the broader plot? In the end, is the author’s use of the rhetorical device effective? Answering these questions in 1-2 sentences each directly helps the student writer to generate ideas and build the analysis in each body paragraph. Be sure to include the answers to these guiding questions in the analysis section of each body paragraph, but do not include the questions themselves. Students may add some supplemental ideas, but the required analysis questions must be answered.
Encourage the reader to keep thinking about the topic by answering one or more of the following questions: Why should readers care about rhetorical devices? Based on the evidence analyzed in the essay, what do we know that we might not have known before about how rhetorical devices function or what role they play in human engagement? Who might benefit from learning about this topic? What new ideas or conclusions can we develop based on this examination of the topic? End with a bold statement or a call to action. In any event, do not summarize the main points already mentioned in the essay.