answer it in next 3 hours. from production control file only submit number b.
IE 8333 Production Control Systems II (a) Besides lot sizing, what are the other THREE basic steps in MRP procedures? Please briefly explain the four basic steps (including lot sizing) in the MRP procedures. (b) As for lot sizing, s uppose demand for a power steering gear assembly is given by the table below. The product has a planned lead time of three weeks. There are currently 200 units on hand, and 50 units of safety stock. Compute the planned order releases using i. Lot -for -lot ii. Fixe d point order ( two weeks) Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Demand 45 65 35 40 52 41 33 0 32 25 Scheduled receipts 30 11 5
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