Complete a worksheet outlining your plan for applying a coping strategy and a relaxation technique to stressors in your own life. To prepare for this assessment, you will need to select one coping str
Using your textbook, select a coping strategy and a relaxation technique to address in your final assessment, which will be a PowerPoint presentation. Briefly describe what each one entails.
Coping Strategy: | |
Relaxation Technique: |
Using the following list, identify three or more stressors in your life that you can focus on for this assessment.
☐ Work, Life, School-Life Balance | ☐ Marital Issues | ☐ Legal Issues |
☐ Parenting | ☐ Change in Career Status | ☐ Health Concerns |
☐ Financial Concerns | ☐ Death of a Loved One | ☐ Other ______________ |
Now that you have identified a coping strategy and relaxation technique to focus on and you have identified several stressors to address, in 2–3 sentences, explain why your selected strategy and technique appeal to you. Include supporting evidence.
Provide a brief description of how you plan to use the coping strategy and relaxation technique. Include supporting evidence. This description can be as simple as the following examples:
“I will use journal writing on a daily basis over the next five weeks” or “I will use some of the techniques listed for Art Therapy each week over the next five weeks."
Note: Some strategies may be more difficult to implement on your own. If you choose one of these, your exploration will consist of discovering more about this strategy or technique. In this case, you will write: “I will discover ways in which progressive relaxation could be used to address stress.”
Describe potential challenges you see in applying your selected strategy and technique. Explain via supporting evidence.
Coping Strategy Challenges: | Relaxation Technique Challenges: |
[Add APA style references for any cited sources. This should include your textbook and at least two peer-reviewed journal articles.]