Group Proposal Project Instruction---single spaced

Gun Violence in Milwaukee

Prepared for:

Tom Barrett

Mayor of the City of Milwaukee

Prepared by: China Hunters Group

Group Members:

Chentao Xia, Han Chen, Zhengchen Zhao, Tao Zhang, Ke Li

Jan 20, 2017

Table of Contents


Problem Statement

Executive Summary

Problem statement

The main audiences of this report is Mayor of the City of Milwaukee, Tom Barrett and his cabinets who hired us as their consultant.

Overall, this proposal includes researches about gun violence problems and some recommendations in controlling gun violence in response to Mr. Barrett and his cabinets’ request that offering some strategies to convince the public to support restrictions on gun control. Therefore, the purpose of writing this proposal is to help the Mayor of the City of Milwaukee, Tom Barrett, and his cabinets to find some strategies to convince the public to support restrictions on gun control. Otherwise, another object of writing this proposal is to help Mr. Barrett have a successful booth at Wisconsin State Fair 2016, and let more and more publics know that gun violence is a severe problem in Milwaukee, so that the usage of gun should be limited.

It is very necessary to write a report like that to stop gun violence in our opinion. As we all know, hundreds and thousands of deaths and injuries in the Unites States are caused by gun violence. In detail, according to Wikipedia (Gun violence in the United Sates, 2017), 13,286 people in the United States were killed by firearms, excluding suicide. Nearly 1.4 million people were killed by firearms from 1968 to 2011 in the United States. There have lots of statistics like that showing that gun violence is a life killer. If we do not pay attention to reduce and control the usage of gun, more and more people will die because of firearms, which is what we do not want to see.

Obviously, there have lots of good and bad effects of the restriction on gun control. The most important advantage of gun control is that we will not see lots of people die because of firearms in the future. Saving people’s lives is such a good and great thing to do. We always believe the safety problem is one of the most important problem in any society of any country. Once people’s lives are protected, they will be happier and more satisfied to live in this society. Another impact of gun control is that, so far, tax from gun trading is still an important component of the economic source of government. Once gun control is carried out, government may also lose some money they used to have. Those gun companies will not pay tax to government anymore. Also, gun companies and enterprises will lose lots of money and working positions. We believe most of them will not take this decision easily. Therefore, those people who sell guns may not accept gun control decisions. It is possible for them to create some revolts and parades to against the government. Once the society is not in peace, many publics may be hurt through those violent reactions. We would not like to see any people being hurt in any activity.

As the cause and extent of the problem, we think the most important reason that gun control policy should be carried out is that lots of people died because of mass using of guns. As those statistics shows above, more and more people dead under firearms year after year, including legal and illegal usage of guns. Once people’s safety is threatened, people will not have basic safeguard and guarantees of their lives. The whole society will lose its harmony and peace. The second cause of this problem is that the way of purchasing or getting a gun is becoming more and more easy. Since gun trade is very profitable, more and more people start to selling guns and earn lots of money from trading. Many people are selling guns illegally, and if gun control is not carry out, they will sell more and more illegal guns which will make the society worse. Additionally, more and more young teenagers are buying guns illegally from some private sellers. It definitely influenced other teenagers’ lives. In a word, anything does not under control will threaten this society.

However, there also have some constraints and limitations on decisions of this problem. As an article called “4 major problems with gun control arguments” mentioned (Murphy, 2016), there have four main problems for gun control: hypocrisy; reality; misapplication of blame; discrimination. First of all, using gun legally in the United States has a long history, we afraid that it may not be easy for people to switch their concept suddenly, and some people may not want to take this decision. Secondly, munitions merchants already have lots of power and money so far, once they hear government is carrying out gun control policy, they will rebel immediately. Another thing is that once restriction on gun control implements, those people who already have guns may need an appropriate way to deal with their guns in their homes, so that government may need to carry out some policies to decide how to deal with those existing guns. Last but not least, some people do not use gun to do bad things, since they just want to protect themselves. Once they do not have guns, they will lose an important way to protect their lives and fortunes.

Gun control is not that simple to achieve, instead, there is a long way to go. There have many uncertainty and disagreements about this problem. In the rest of the proposal, we will make through research about gun control, and finally we will raise up several recommendations for solving this problem.


4 Major Problems with Gun Control Arguments. (2016, June 22). Retrieved January 18, 2017, from

Gun violence in the United States. (n.d.). Retrieved January 18, 2017, from