Easy Grammar activity

Step One: Pick one paragraph of your literacy narrative. Copy and paste that paragraph into a new MS Word document.

Step Two: Go through your paragraph and color-code the following: change the font color of your verbs to red, pronoun referents (e.g. "this," "that," "he," "she," "it, "they") to green, punctuation (periods, commas, semicolons) to blue, and the common error you identified in the "Identifying Common Errors" activity to purple

Step Three: Look through your paragraph after you've color-coded these parts of speech and sentence. Do you notice any errors in verb tense shifts? In subject-verb agreement? Is it clear what your pronouns refer to? Are you writing in complete sentences, or do there seem to be run-on sentences? 

Step Four: Copy and paste another copy of your color-coded paragraph.

Step Five: Make changes to your new paragraph by turning on "Track Changes" in Microsoft Word. (if you don't have word, highlight the things you changed). (For assistance, view this PDF with screenshots of how to turn on Track Changes in Word)