Great Work!!




Heading & paper format

Paper includes heading of Name, A#, CCA 3330-SEC, Assignment Name, Assignment Date. Paper is single-spaced, in standard font size and type. Citations may be double spaced, but paragraphs should be single-spaced

1.0 pts

Paper deviates from or is missing one or more of these guidelines

0.0 pts

1.0 pts


Parts 1-4 are labeled. Text from the instructions is not included. Mechanical errors are minimal (1-2)

2.0 pts

Works cited entries are not formatted with hanging indents

1.0 pts

Parts 1-4 are not labeled and/or unnecessary text from the instructions is included and/or there are 3+ mechanical errors

0.0 pts

2.0 pts

Part 1: Alphabetized

Works cited section is alphabetized

1.0 pts

Works cited section is not alphabetized

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Part 1: Book (Passage A)

Works cited entry is formatted correctly

4.0 pts

Works cited entry is mostly correct (1-2 errors)

3.0 pts

Works cited entry is partially correct (3-4 errors)

2.0 pts

Works cited entry contains 5+ errors or is missing

0.0 pts

4.0 pts

Part 1: Web article (Passage B)

Works cited entry is formatted correctly

4.0 pts

Works cited entry is mostly correct (1-2 errors)

3.0 pts

Works cited entry is partially correct (3-4 errors)

2.0 pts

Works cited entry contains 5+ errors or is missing

0.0 pts

4.0 pts

Part 1: Review (Passage C)

Works cited entry is formatted correctly

4.0 pts

Works cited entry is mostly correct (1-2 errors)

3.0 pts

Works cited entry is partially correct (3-4 errors)

2.0 pts

Works cited entry contains 5+ errors or is missing

0.0 pts

4.0 pts

Part 2: Paraphrase

Paraphrase conveys the main ideas of the passage, and is 2-3 sentences long

5.0 pts

Paraphrase does not convey the main ideas from the passage, uses some language from the passage, and/or is not sufficiently long

3.0 pts

Paraphrase contains several errors and/or significant language from the passage, or is missing altogether

0.0 pts

5.0 pts

Part 2: In-text citation

In-text citation is correct

2.0 pts

In-text citation is partially correct (1-2 errors)

1.0 pts

In-text citation contains 3+ or significant errors (for example, in no way refers to the source material) or is missing

0.0 pts

2.0 pts

Part 2: Works cited

Works cited entry is formatted correctly

4.0 pts

Works cited entry is mostly correct (1-2 errors)

3.0 pts

Works cited entry is partially correct (3-4 errors)

2.0 pts

Works cited entry contains 5+ errors or is missing

0.0 pts

4.0 pts

Part 3: Quotation

Paragraph includes insertion of composer's name, title of encyclopedia, name of famous work, and insertion of quotation into stock paragraph, as directed.

5.0 pts

Paragraph is missing one item

3.0 pts

Paragraph is missing two or more items or does not reference the correct composer and encyclopedia

0.0 pts

5.0 pts

Part 3: Quotation

Titles of encyclopedia and famous work are in italics

1.0 pts

Title of encyclopedia and/or famous work is not in italics

0.0 pts

1.0 pts

Part 3: Quotation

Inserted quote makes sense within the context of the paragraph. Transition into quotation is logical

2.0 pts

Transition into quotation makes little sense in the context of the paragraph or is awkward

0.0 pts

2.0 pts

Part 3: Quotation

Quotation is formatted correctly, with standard punctuation and capitalization

4.0 pts

Quotation is partially correct (1-2 errors) in format

2.0 pts

Quotation contains 3+ errors in format

0.0 pts

4.0 pts

Part 3: In-text citation

In-text citation is correct

2.0 pts

In-text citation is partially correct (1-2 errors)

1.0 pts

In-text citation contains 3+ or significant errors (for example, in no way refers to the source material) or is missing

0.0 pts

2.0 pts

Part 3: Works cited

Works cited entry is formatted correctly

4.0 pts

Works cited entry is mostly correct (1-2 errors)

3.0 pts

Works cited entry is partially correct (3-4 errors)

2.0 pts

Works cited entry contains 5+ errors or is missing

0.0 pts

4.0 pts

Part 4: Works cited

Works cited entry is formatted correctly

5.0 pts

Works cited entry is mostly correct (1-2 errors)

4.0 pts

Works cited entry is partially correct (3-4 errors)

2.0 pts

Works cited entry contains 5+ errors or is missing

0.0 pts

5.0 pts

Total Points: 50.0