editing my paper

Malallah 1

Ebrahem Malallah

Nada Rossiter

CIE 077 -700

14 January 2017

My Mentor in Life

I have in my family four brothers, and I am the youngest one and my parents, unfortunately, have no daughter. We live in the same house. We have had the house for a long time since I was born. But my brothers grew up in different houses. We started our family life in new house, because that’s first house my father bought. The brother who is different from my other brothers by his lifestyle and his studying life is my oldest brother. His name is Khaled Nazir Malallah and he is twenty-nine years old his life was difficult because he was taking care of his own live not like my brothers. He did not let anyone help him. Also, when he was young and he had any problem he solved it by himself so he did not tire my parents as we did, one time I remember when he was seventeen so he was not allowed to drive, however he was driving my dad’s vehicle and then the police caught him and he stayed in the police station for three days and the police man detained the vehicle for two months, so when he got out he could not take his driving license until he was nineteen years old. That is the biggest problem that he had, but my other brothers were different because they were tiring my parents about studying because they did not care about education. Their focus was on entertainment such as sports and automobile they were good in these activities but not in school but Khaled was good in these activities and also in school more than that, he is successful in his life for several reasons.

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Khaled loves education that which makes him successful in his life. His dream was to study his bachelor in America, so in his studying life before university he studied hard and he was working towards in his dream to study in America. He wanted to study in America while he was young, that means still underage not after 21. But he did not get his dream because after he graduated from high school he had to go with my father my brother treatment in Paris. He went with my father to Paris for two years for the treatment, so that travel made him late to go to America. After the two years, he returned to Kuwait and he was bored from the alienation because he stayed in Paris for two years and he did not study. When he went back to Kuwait. he decided to study petrol engineering, just like my father, so he studied for two years to get the diploma and then he worked for a petrol company as assistant engineer in Saudi Arabia. He stayed in his work for three years and after the three years he got his scholarship from his work and he went to America to study his bachelor degree. He went to Ohio to complete his major at Marietta College, and he finished his degree in three years. He went back to his job and started working as a petrol engineer. When he graduated from university l graduated from high school. He helped me a lot and supported me to study in America he said, I know you and I know what you want so you must study in America. because he said that he helped me a lot with the registration. Khaled is the reason that I am getting my education in the United States. Finally, he is working in a good place and he is completing master degree. One thing he has said and followed is that, education is more important than anything in your life.

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People are around him are love him because he knows how to talk with them and show them respect. He didn’t about the ages so he communicates with all people. He has a strong communication because he like to share talking and ideas with people and know little things from everything such as education, sports, cars, video games, travel, so when he knows what you like he will talk about what you like to make the conversation more interesting. That’s what make my family and his friend love him for example when he stays with my little cousins and my nephews he will play with him what they want to play if they want to play video games or outdoor games he will play with them, also when he didn’t know he’s able to learn. The most important capacity that’s he has is he never skipped any gathering that my family does every Friday and he always visits my family such as aunts, uncles, grandparents. From when he was 16 he has his own room in the house because he always invites his friend to stay with him in the house so Khaled and his friend they could meet every day and that’s became a routine for Khaled and now he has his own farm for gathering and just same what he did before but now with his own place. Finally, his family and his friend became somethings important in his life and he couldn’t live without him and the most important things of his life is my parents he would like to do anything just to make him happy.

Khaled has many favorite hopes, so he likes to be professional in each avocation. He like to be Good in what he loves, so when he was 16 years old he was a good player in two sports which is roller blade and tennis table he had many championship in table tennis because he was playing a lot with his friend and with my brother’s after he became professional in table tennis my dad bought a table tennis to play in the house that’s which make him came batter and batter. But in

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roller blade he likes to play in the street not in designated places. He was a perfect player but just between his friend. He makes me and my other brother’s love skating and we were a group who always skates together in ice skating and roller blade. After that he became a car lover and he bought a Dodge challenger SRT8 he loves his car too much and he was working in his car alone he didn’t go to work shop he ordered the things from online and he do it by himself. He did this for two reasons which is to learn about mechanic and for the future. For example, he bought a Mustang 1969, it was a destruction and he made it new by two years. Khaled is a fan of FIFA soccer in PlayStation and in the real life so he always watches matches of soccer teams. Finally, Khaled who made me love soccer and roller blade and he supported me in these sports also he loves to give advice about what he learned.

In conclusion, Khaled is successful in his life by many ways he gets love and respect from people that’s gift from god, also he worked on that. That means he worked hard in his life that has equal to see it after long life. Now he sees what he did before and he’s trying to help my brothers and me with our life, so my parents love him too much because he always finishes the work and he didn’t let my mom do anything he did everything to my mom to make her more comfortable. He became my mentor because when we came to America he took care when my leg was broken. He thinking about the future and plaining to help me with the job and he will not get married until I graduate from the university because he supporting by money. He’s going to buy a house and furnish a floor for me. In general, I’m very happy to have brothers like Khaled because in this day it is hard to have a brother like that. I hope to be the same person as my brother was to me to my nephews. However, my other brothers have also supported me how

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to deal with life, but that doesn’t mean there are not good brother’s like that elsewhere in the world.