Case Study-Leading Strategic Change at Davita


Student Name                                                                                                       Date:




"A" range: Outstanding achievement; significantly exceeds standards

90-100 %

"B" range: Commendable achievement; exceeds standards for course

80-89 %

"C" range: Acceptable, solid achievement; meets standards for course.


"D" range: Marginal achievement; only meets minimum standards (Note: The "D" grade is a passing grade).

60-69 %

"F" range: Failure to meet minimum standards (Work that is not of "passing quality" should receive grade "F").

0-59 %

(15 possible points)


13.5-15 pts.

Unique topic or unique treatment of topic, takes risks with content; fresh approach.

12-13.4 pts.

Specific, original focus, content well handled.


Significance of content is clearly conveyed.

11.5-11.9 pts.

Retains overall focus, generally solid command of subject matter.


Significance is understood.

9-11.4 pts.

Topic lacks focus.


Significance of content is unclear.

0-8.9 pts

Ignores assignment.


Lacks significance.


(15 possible points)


13.5-15 pts.

Sophisticated, exceptional use of examples.

12-13.4 pts

Good use of examples; Sufficient support exists in all key areas.

11.5-11.9 pts.

Subject matter well explored but may show signs of underdevelopment. Competent use of examples.

9-11.4 pts

Some ideas may lack support, elaboration.

Lacks sufficient examples, or relevance of examples may be unclear.

0-8.9 pts

The topic has not been developed adequately.


Little or no support provided.


(20 possible points)


18-20 pts.

Original and "fluid" organization; all sentences and paragraphs contribute; sophisticated transitions between paragraphs.


Each paragraph contains a topic sentence and conclusion and is unified and developed around a single point.

16-17.9 pts.

Logical Organization. Has competent transitions between all sentences and paragraphs.


Most paragraphs contain topic sentences/conclusions and are fairly unified and developed overall.

14-15.9 pts.

Structure is solid, but an occasional sentence or paragraph may lack focus.  Transitions between paragraphs occur but may lack originality.


Most paragraphs contain topic sentences/conclusions and are satisfactorily unified and developed.

12-13.9 pts.

Organization is difficult to follow.  Lacks logical flow of ideas.


Paragraphs may not include clear topic sentences and conclusions and may lack unity and development.

0-11.9 pts.

Absence of logical structure and organization.


Lacks coherence.


Paragraphs do not contain the basic elements: topic sentence/conclusion, unity, and coherence. They are, therefore, difficult to follow.



(25 possible points)

22.5-25 pts.

Integration of quotations and citations is sophisticated and highlights the author's argument.

20-22.4 pts.

Quotations and citations are integrated into argument to enhance the flow of ideas.

17.5-19.9 pts.

Quotations and citations are integrated into argument.


15-17.4 pts.

Support material may not be clearly incorporated into argument.


0-14.9 pts.

Includes plagiarized material (intentional or unintentional; could also result in the minimum penalty of a “0” for the entire assignment).




(15 possible points)


13.5-15 pts.

Confidence in use of standard English. Language reflects practiced or refined understanding of syntax and usage.

12-13.4 pts

Conveys a strong understanding of standard English; the writer is clear in his or her attempt to articulate main points, but may demonstrate moments of "flat" or unrefined language.

11.5-11.9 pts.

Competent use of language; sentences are solid but may lack development, refinement, style.

9-11.4 pts

Expression is occasionally awkward (problematic sentence structure).

0-8.9 pts

Sentence structure may interfere with meaning.

Problems with writing at the college level.




(10 possible points)

9-10 pts.

Sentences vary in structure, very few if any mechanical errors (no serious mechanical errors).


8-8.9 pts.

May have a few minor mechanical errors (misplaced commas, pronoun disagreement, etc.), but no serious mechanical errors (fragments, run-ons, comma-splices, etc.).


7-7.9 pts.

Occasional minor mechanical errors may occur, but do not impede clear understanding of material.

No serious mechanical errors (fragments, run-ons, comma-splices, etc.).


6-6.9 pts.

Mechanical errors may at times impede clear understanding of material.

May have a few serious mechanical errors, but no recurring serious mechanical errors (fragments, run-ons, comma-splices, etc.)

0-5.9 pts.

Recurring mechanical errors.


Mechanical errors impede understanding.



Total Score:

*Scales: Sum of Points A=96-100, A-=90-95, B+=87-89, B=84-86, B-=80-83, C+=77-79, C=74-76, C-=70-73, D+= 67-69, D=64-66, D-=60-63, F=0-59