
Problem 1:

Using Figure 1

a) Find the value of R so that the battery transfer maximum power to it.

b). If R = 5 ohms, find the value of power in watts in 2 ohms resistor.

Circuits 1

Problem 2.

Using Figure 2.

If the value of all resistance is 2 ohms , find the resistance between X and Y terminals.

Circuits 2

Problem 3.

Using Figure 3

Find the power in 5 ohm resistor.

Circuits 3

Problem 4

An aluminium kettle weighing 2 kg holds 2 litres of water and its heater element consumes a power of 2 kW. If 40 percent of the heat supplied is wasted, find the time taken to bring the kettle of water to boiling point from an initial temperature of 20ºC.

(Specific heat of aluminium = 0.2 and Joule’s equivalent = 4200 J/kcal.)