i need help with summarizing an article

Summary Assignment

Length: 200-250 words and a works-cited entry Total Points: 100 points

Rough draft required for workshop: Wednesday, Feb. 1

Final draft due: Friday, Feb. 3 (on Canvas by 11:59 PM)


Write a coherent, unified, accurate, and objective summary of “Redefining Reading: The Impact of Digital Communication Media.” You may write a summary from a different essay in the coursepack, but you must speak with me first.

Your audience, of course, includes your classmates and me. However, because summaries are usually written to let people know about information with which they may not be familiar, think of your audience as also including people who have not read “Redefining Reading.” Your summary should include key points made by the author but exclude minor details.

Although you will be summarizing most of “Redefining Reading,” you may need to paraphrase specific brief passages or quote significant words and phrases. Avoid quoting longer passages from the source. Nonetheless, if quoting a sentence would greatly enhance your paper, you may do so—but only once.


In the first sentence or two, introduce the author of the source, the title of the source, and the author’s thesis. Remember that the thesis should help the reader predict the content of the rest of the summary. The body and conclusion of the summary are thus determined to a great extent by its thesis.

In-Text Citation and Works-Cited Entry

Use a page number for anything you quote. Also place a page number at the end of material summarized from a particular page. If, for example, you have summarized material in three different sentences, put the page number after the third sentence. Include a works-cited entry for the source you summarized. For this assignment, the works-cited page does not have to be on a separate page.

Submission Requirements

In class on Wednesday, Feb. 1, I will collect the following:

  • Rough draft

  • Peer-review sheet(s)

Grading Criteria: Your paper will be graded according to the following criteria. Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the paper and perhaps for the course as well.




___ The author and title of the source are introduced in a clear manner.

___ The author’s thesis or governing idea is stated accurately.



___ The summary is faithful to the source.

___ The author's ideas are understood and expressed clearly.

___ The intended function of each paragraph or section is understood.



___ The summary is objective.

___ Paraphrases and quoted material are used purposefully.

___ The summary includes key ideas and significant details but excludes minor points.



___ Source material is cited according to MLA guidelines.

___ A works-cited entry is provided.

___ The paper is formatted according to MLA guidelines.

___ Submission requirements are met.

___ A peer-review has been completed.



___ The writing employs words and sentence structures appropriate to the demands of the rhetorical situation.

___ The essay is coherent and unified.

___ The essay is free of proofreading errors.

Review the following chapters in Harbrace Essentials:

apostrophe (17)



pronoun-antecedent agr.






fused sentence


pronoun reference


subject-verb agreement






quotation marks


verb form or tense






relating sent. parts





TOTAL: Because this assignment constitutes 100 points, your score is multiplied by two.

