Teacher Interview and Observation on Lesson Plan Implementation

Individual Assignment: Teacher Interview and Observation on Lesson Implementation, paper

This paper must cover an observation conducted during our term together. You must include the date of the observation in your title page and a copy of your signature page in your submission.

  • Resources: Questions for Teacher Interview on Lesson Planning and Questions for Teacher Observation on Lesson Implementation.

  • Interview a teacher with respect to lesson plan development.

  • Observe a teacher implementing a lesson in a classroom setting.

  • Prepare a 700-word reflection of the observation, addressing all questions, and include a summary of your impressions of the interview and the observation.

Individual Assignment - paper


7 Points

Points Earned


Additional Comments:

A min word count of 700 words is presented. 1

The paper contains a brief reflective summary of the teacher interview, including highlights from the questions and answer session with the teacher and the overall impression of the “meet the teacher” experience. 2.5

The paper contains a brief reflective summary of the classroom observation including an overall impression of the classroom experience, including a brief description of what was taught, to whom, and other details of the lesson(s), behaviors observed, strategies used by the instructor (management, lesson implementation, procedures, etc...). 2.5

The submission includes the signature page. 1

Readability and Style

2 Points

Points Earned


Additional Comments:

Paragraph transitions are present, logical, and maintain the flow throughout the paper.

The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.


1 Point

Points Earned


Additional Comments:

The paper, including tables and graphs, headings, title page, and reference page, is consistent with APA guidelines and meets course-level requirements.

Please note how to cite an interview below.


10 Points

Points Earned


Overall Comments:

Interviews, Email, and Other Personal Communication

No personal communication is included in your reference list; instead, parenthetically cite the communicator's name, the phrase "personal communication," and the date of the communication in your main text only.

(E. Robbins, personal communication, January 4, 2001).

A. P. Smith also claimed that many of her students had difficulties with APA style (personal communication, November 3, 2002).

Questions for Teacher Observation on Lesson Implementation

Observe a teacher implementing a lesson. Describe the setting, the age/grade level(s), the general make-up of the students, and the content area. Use the following questions as a guide. Include a summary of your impressions.

    1. What evidence do you see or notice that the teacher has created a plan for this lesson?

    1. Does the teacher communicate the objectives and expectations of the lesson to the students? Is so, how?

    1. How does the teacher gain the students’ attention for the lesson?

    1. Are students working individually, in pairs, or groups? If so, describe these activities.

    1. Do the activities address different learning styles and the differentiated needs of all students? If so, how?

    1. Did the teacher utilize any technology tools or resources to support the instruction?

    1. What evidence of classroom management strategies do you notice?

    1. How do the students respond to the lesson?

    1. How does the teacher address any problems that arise during the lesson?

    1. Has the teacher included an assessment activity? If so, describe it.

  1. What other evidence do you note that students are learning the concepts of the lesson?

Questions for Teacher Interview on Lesson Planning

Interview a teacher with respect to lesson plan development. Use the following questions as a guide.

    1. What format do you use for writing lesson plans?

    1. How do you decide what you will teach?

    1. What do you need to know about your students’ learning styles before designing a lesson plan?

    1. How do you go about planning a lesson? Where do you start? What are the steps?

    1. How do you motivate the students to become engaged?

    1. How do you decide which activities to do during the lesson?

    1. How do you plan the pacing of the lesson and know how long it is going to take?

    1. How do you know if your students learned what you wanted them to learn?

    1. How do you reflect about the lesson afterwards?

  1. How would your reflection assist you in your future planning?