Conflicting View Point Part 2

Conflicting Viewpoints On Students Wearing Uniforms 6

Conflicting Viewpoints on Students Wearing Uniforms

Monique Cleckley

Critical Thinking

Professor Vricos

January 16, 2017

Conflicting Viewpoints on Students Wearing Uniforms


Nowadays, school uniforms policy are increasingly being implemented in most of the United States public schools. Almost every school in United States has made mandatory their students to wear uniforms in school (, 2014). There are certain people who argue that school uniforms should not be requisite to wear in school. Conversely, there are rather many people who agree with wearing school uniforms. They represent their views that school is such a place that there should be uniformity in everything. They argue that students wearing school uniforms would be the beneficial not only for students but also for parents and teachers. Wearing school uniforms are good policy because they ensure uniformity, provide safety, and are cost effective (, 2014).

There are many views regarding whether students should be required to wear school uniforms or not. From my own personal research I must go on the arguments of proponents that students should be required to wear school uniforms.

The pros according to proponents include:

  1. Uniforms help to students to concentrate more on their learning and discipline rather than concentrating on what to wear to school, how they look, and how they match with their friends.

  2. Uniforms are fairly safe for students, since it helps to identify their movements easily. It helps to identify intruders (those are non-uniformed) from students on school campus. When the intruder comes to school campus they could easily be recognized and deterred before they cause any incident.

  3. School uniforms can save parent’s money: School uniforms can help to parents in reducing their additional expense for purchasing trendy clothes for their children. Their children are restricted to wear regular apparel every day. It will reduce socioeconomic disparities between students (, 2014).

Answers to Believing questions

Interesting part of this view

The helpful and interesting thing about this view is that this is a correct statement in many ways. The school uniforms would help to support a positive learning environment. A lot of problems could be solved through wearing school uniforms. When all the children wear uniforms, each and every student possesses the same position in the class (, 2014).

What I would notice if I supported this view?

If I believe this view regarding school uniform I would notice that it will promote a good feeling of belonging to a community, diminish trend contests and provide a healthy learning environment where students can learn safely and uniformly (, 2014). Uniforms bring equality in the students. After wearing uniforms no child will be able to bully by making malicious comments on other student’s dress.

Circumstances under which this idea might be true?"

The reason that I find the idea of school uniform is true because of the evidence of this in many schools. It is in the public domain that majority of public schools are following school uniforms policy.


In conclusion, I will say that it is a very good debate regarding the wearing of school uniforms. Wearing of school uniform provides too many potential benefits to students, school community and parents. In today’s society, students are forgetting about the real purpose of going to school and focus on their looks, fashion and socio-economic status. So, public schools are following policy of school uniforms to cut back on the socio-economic disparities, increase student’s attentiveness on studies and discipline, provide student safety, save parents money on trendy clothes, prevent bullying for dress, and increase a sense of pride and belonging to school community. Finally I will say I am in favor of school uniform dress code.

Reference: (2014). Explore Pros & Cons of Controversial Issue. School Uniform.

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