capstone assignment

yahoo!Inc. 30_3

:Jr:T"Tt"l and Twitter had a distinct advantage over porrars and,search sires. A 2012 study Facebookr",";J;:i;":T;.'ff]l]ilffi::;,:l";?1:hrXf.:1il]*H::Hn:ff

10.6 percent for all of Googte.s sites, *jS.S percent foryahoo,s sites. 6 rnrernet adverrising r"r;ru;r i;;J',in,,"d r,u,", ,r;r; $J;;u,uio, in 2,lls(compared to $39.5 bilion for broadcast t"f"u,.ion'urA $:O Uifflon ior .uUr" ,"f"U.ion), representing

trJffiffi;lf,ilH:llover 2010 An industry ".p;;;;r;; the signincance orcross_

This historic m< anincreased"{t"n!-,1ff iff ffi i:l,JJ#iil:il:J;ti"J"H1T,ffi

":,"_t"."T#::." spending their time_in digital media. fuJing pur,,n" SrO Oiiir", Uroi"" the interactive advertising industrli confirms its .entrai ,fu." in ,"aiu. a..or, ;;, display, and digital video, digital provides a wearrh oiippo.unrty for brands unJ.orrr.".r. with rhe proriferation of smartphones and tabtets, i, i; rit rv *", ,h" ;;;;alu, g.or,r, in mobile will continue as these screens u*r-.."", more crucial to the marketing mix.6 7 The fastest-growing segment of Intemet.advertising was mobile advertising, which to- 1131#;1, ?itt1tT.1:H['"" u" "i' i + q perc ent il;6 il ;n inaus trv Exo;; ;-

The year 2011 saw mobile advertising become a meaningful category. By combining some of the best features of the Interner, "ri* *t,n portabilityind ro"u'tioi-nu."a rechnology,

frx3*:Xl:ffing is enabring ,"*r",".i to a"iiu". tr,n"iy,;;;;;;;;evant, and rocar see strons **,* l#llli#*ffiH1,:?1,"#,,Jfr::,t". ;, t;i;;"," reasons that we

8 In 2011' the 10 leading search and portal companies accounte d tor TTpercent of total online advertising revenues, while the next l5 accounted r., li'rir."rt. search revenues of $14'g billion (up from srr.z uiiri"r'ir roto-r made up 46s iercent of rorar revenues (up from 44.8 percenr *??l:),*fril."V_retated uar"rtirirgi":us $11.1 biltion (versus $9'6 birion in 20r0) or34.g percenr. o;;" two prevarentpric'ing moders. perlormance_


,* cricr_ir'ougtr; r,uJ u"", ,r," a"_l,iri",ite1 since 2006 and ac_ , - -

"1,", """i, :;' ;::;; ;: T, ;:ii::',H: :;,:, _ *,,;"_ ;" around 6 1 3 mi,,ion web sites worldwide in Februaryiniz','"{irrrin"ur, in"r"ur" r-i ra, miltion in2011. several factors were responsible for the growth of the rnternei ciri"r among them were the increasing affordabiiity or.orpr,"rr"io increasing rn,.rn.i'p.r.tration rares. [n a virtuous cycle, as componenr prices fell .upiory,-rC".i#;;r."^ passed on the price decreases to customers, who in turn ir..""."; ,rr" a"-una-fficr,'i"ror* to rower prices due to manufacturers' ,".ororri"" oi r"rr" "ro+r..rr^ug io,J* ,urirgr. For example, nearly 80 percent of U.S. househords owr"i " ac-,n ,orz, ipL#i o"r""r, in 2000, and the vast majority of users had bought a fi;. a similar device for Int 2011, Norrh America had the r*g"?jr"riJ penetration ."," "r rr.uiTrlr"ir?,'i"",il#] # oceania/Austraria with oz.s perc"eni;;;;;"p" with 6r.3 percent. However, the fastest_ growing market in percentage terms was Africa, and the fastest-growing market in absolute

5IAB. Internet Advertising Report , Aprlt 2012,, accessed september 24, 2012.
