journal for ultimate_writer

  • Submit a Works Cited page with at least 4 sources that are relevant, credible, and reliable for your project. At least 2 should be scholarly journal articles

Information for writing works cited page:

First Steps: GVRL Tutorials (and primary v. secondary v. tertiary sources)

This page will teach how to use Reference Encyclopedias (especially GVRL) for doing preliminary research. Now that you have some keywords that pertain to your topic, learn how to use these keywords to find background information for your topic. The point here is to learn as much as you can about your topic to determine if (1) you want to continue with this topic, (2) how you will narrow down your topic to make it really specific or (3) if you need to change your topic entirely.


First, review the differences between a primary source, a secondary source, and a tertiary source. Encyclopedias and other Reference Tools, such as GVRL, are "tertiary" sources:

  • (Links to an external site.) 

  • (Links to an external site.) 


Then, go here: to access the reference databases (encyclopedias) our library is subscribed to.

Scroll down under "Online Encyclopedias & Dictionaries" and click on Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL).

***If you are off-campus, use your shoreline email ID and email password to log-in to use our library sources. 


Now that you have the GVRL page open, watch the following two tutorials on how to use it. Remember that pressing the "CC" button on the lower-right hand corner of the video will turn on English subtitles.

GVRL tutorial, published by Shoreline CC Library (2 min 29 sec): (Links to an external site.)


Using Gale's GVRL - Basics, published by Gale (7 min 17 sec):  (Links to an external site.)


Using Gale's GVRL - Searching, published by Gale (2 min, 52 sec): (Links to an external site.) 

Now that you have learned how to use GVRL, dive right in and start searching for one or more of your preliminary research topics. 


Save the interesting articles you find by emailing yourself the PDF of the articles or save your articles in GVRL itself. Remember that saving the URL will not work


Work Cited Page Sample