Intercultural Experience Paper----intro interpersonal communication

Intercultural Experience Paper Rubric For this assignment , you are to plan an encounter with a culture other than your own. You are expected to go outside your comfort zone when choos ing a culture, but under no circumstances should you take any risks or put yourself in danger. Your task is to place yourself in a cultural setting you are NOT familiar with. Interact with members of that culture, and observe your verbal and nonverbal communication behaviors and outcomes in the process. You will then write a paper chronicling and processing your experience. The paper should be 2 -3 pages, typed, double -spaced, 1 -inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font. Discussion of Experience 31 -40 pts. 21 -30 pts. 11 -20 pts. 0-10 pts. Focused, clear, accurate and specific discussion of experience. Event chosen is appropriate to assignment. Thoughtful and direct observations of behaviors and outcomes from experience. Discussion of experience may be clear, but somewhat unfocused, inaccurate or unspecific. Effort ma de at observational analysis, but lacking depth of discussion. Event chosen is appropriate to assignment. Discussion of experience unclear. Ambiguous, inaccurate and/or lacks focus. Token discussion of observational items. Event chosen is only marginall y appropriate to assignment. Lacks focus, clarity, accuracy and specificity of connection to experience. No original observational analysis evidenced. Event chosen is not appropriate to assignment. Organization/Development 15 -20 pts . 10 -14 pts . 5-9 pts . 0-4 pts . Information is organized with well -constructed sentences and paragraphs. Clearly addresses requisite items. Allows for thoughtful reflection. Information is somewhat organized with well - constructed sentences and paragraphs. Does not thoroug hly address requisite items and provides superficial reflection. Information is somewhat disorganized. Paragraphs are not well -constructed. Writing is hard to follow because of structure. Questions might be left unanswered. The information appears to be completely disorganized. No part of the writing displays a thoughtful response. Mechanics 14 -15 pts . 10 -13 pts . 5-9 pt. 0-4 pts . No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Almost no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.

Readability not hinde red by minor mistakes. A few grammatical spelling or punctuation errors. Portions of the writing are unclear because of mistakes. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Readability severely hindered by excessive mistakes.