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http://w w w .jhpublicart.org/opportunities-2 C ustom Paver and Street Painting, Jackson H ole, W yom ing Entry D eadline: 2/3/14 A pplication C losed R EQ U IR EM EN TS: M edia Im ages: 6 SU M M A R Y The Tow n of Jackson announces a request for artists to custom ize the paver sections of a sidew alk design for the South C ache Street project. The selected artist w ill fabricate artist m ade pavers designed to integrate into the overall paving pattern. The artist w ill replicate the them e and key im agery used in the pavers into tw o, one-color street paintings designed to highlight new crossw alks along the corridor. The budget supports design and fabrication of custom pavers and the street painting. The street painting can be one stencil that is repeated in both locations. The artist w ill w ork closely w ith the Public W orks departm ent to ensure custom pavers integrate seam lessly into the allotted space. See the paver pattern identified for South C ache Street in docum ents for dow nload - http://w w w .jhpublicart.org/opportunities-2/. The Public W orks departm ent w ill integrate artist m ade pavers into the pattern show n by cutting factory m ade pavers to fit artist designed ones, or the artist can design pavers of the sam e size as the ones show n (specifications w ill be provided).   T O W N O F JA C K SO N The Tow n is located approxim ately 60 m iles south of Y ellow stone N ational Park and 12 m iles south of G rand Teton N ational Park. The headw aters of the Snake R iver are located in Teton C ounty and offer w hite w ater rafting, kayaking, fishing and scenic floating. In the w inter, visitors com e to ski at Jackson H ole M ountain R esort, G rand Targhee R esort or Snow K ing R esort. The Tetons attract clim bers from all over the w orld and m any m iles of hiking; m ountain biking and horseback riding trails are located throughout the valley and com plim ented by 33 m iles of pathw ays. Jackson, W yom ing sits at 6,500 feet above sea level.  The population of the Tow n of Jackson and Teton C ounty is over 20,000 w ith 74% percent under the age of 44. W e have a strong w estern heritage rooted in ranching and a grow ing H ispanic com m unity that com prises 12.2 percent of the population and the m edian household incom e is $72,696. N inety-seven percent of the land in the county is ow ned by the Federal governm ent leaving very little left for private developm ent.  The population is w ell educated, w ith 94.7 percent of residents having a high school diplom a and 45.8 percent have a bachelor's degree or higher. O ver 200 valley non-profit organizations exist to provide social services. The C enter for the A rts and it’s resident organizations, the N ational M useum of W ildlife A rt, G rand Teton M usic Festival and the retail arts businesses (that generate 8 tim es the average national revenue W ESTA F: C V I Index R eport) all contribute to a vibrant creative com m unity.   A R T W O R K L O C A T IO N /C O N T E X T South C ache is a m ajor artery connecting the com m unity to its cultural and recreational institutions. The street passes visitor centers, the H istorical M useum , the Tow n Square and the C enter for the A rts before it ends at the base of Snow K ing M ountain. South C ache serves C enter for the A rts patrons, C entral W yom ing C ollege students, visitors w alking to tow n from Snow K ing R esort and residents w alking, cycling the dedicated bike route or parking in the nearby parking garage. Future businesses along this artery could include: lodging, office space, residential and retail. Planning docum ents describing the lodging overlay can be found on the Jackson Teton Plan w ebsite. South C ache Street consists of six blocks including sm all businesses, lodging, residences and the C enter for the A rts. The C enter for the A rts prom otes artistic creativity, education and presentation for a collaborative, inclusive and vibrant cultural com m unity. The C enter for the A rts consists of the 41,000 square foot A rts & Education Pavilion, as w ell as the Perform ing A rts Pavilion, w hich includes a 525-seat theater, a M usic C enter, theater rehearsal space. The C enter for the A rts, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, incorporated in Septem ber of 1995 and is located at 240 South G lenw ood Street. The A rts & Education Pavilion is a m ulti-tenant facility w ith studios, classroom s and offices designed specifically for the 17 resident organizations, not- for-profit arts and higher education organizations. Fifteen of these organizations rent perm anently affordable space from the C enter for the A rts. The C enter Park is currently being m aster planned and a variety of uses could result including passive areas and buildings to form a cam pus. The street ends near the base of Snow K ing M ountain, w here one can access recreational trials on N ational Forest Service land. South C ache Street is part of the Tow n B ike N etw ork and includes on street bike lanes. There is a STA R T bus stop at the m ain entrance to the C enter for the A rts Theater and the local school district activity bus delivers children to the C enter for the A rts everyday after school. PR O JE C T G O A L S The ideal proposal w ill take a holistic approach to integrating creative elem ents into the crossw alks and sidew alks. The custom pavers and street painting w ill w ork in concert w ith each other to add experiential elem ents to the street. Integrate unified creative elem ents into the length of the street. The artw ork w ill be experiential and evoke a sense of discovery. Encourage pedestrian use. Increase pedestrian safety by increasing visibility of the cross w alks. H ighlight the C enter for the A rts as a cultural destination. C reate a visual identity for the street. R eflect com m unity values of creativity and access to art in our daily lives. W ork in context w ith the contem porary design of the C enter for the A rts.   M E D IA /ST Y L E /SIZ E Pavers m ust be fabricated out of highly durable, perm anent m aterial appropriate for integration into high traffic areas. C ustom pavers can be m ade out of clay, stone or concrete and m ay include em bedded glass or m etal, how ever w e are not necessarily looking for m osaic treatm ents. W e w ould prefer sim ple iconic im agery that celebrates the cultural hub of activity that is the C enter for the A rts. Pavers m ust m eet A D A requirem ents. A ll art should require very little m aintenance and can’t hinder snow rem oval. C ustom pavers should be a consistent size of 24” square or 1’ x 4’ and designed to fit w ith factory m ade pavers (see specifications included). W e are envisioning approxim ately 15-25 pavers depending on m aterials used/cost per. To evolve a continuous narrative, pavers w ill be installed on the east side of the street only. Their placem ent should be m ost concentrated by the C enter for the A rts, the frequency of placem ent w ill taper off at either end of the street.   A R T IST E L IG IB IL IT Y D ue to the aggressive tim eline the artist m ust dem onstrate the follow ing qualifications: Prior experience and success w orking on projects of sim ilar budget, scale and tim eline. A high level of experience w orking w ith the selected m aterials. A rtists living w ithin the U nited States are invited to apply. Local or regional artists m ay be given preference. The Tow n of Jackson is an equal opportunity em ployer.   SE L E C T IO N PR O C E SS A Selection Panel specific to the project w ill review artist’s qualifications and identify one – three finalists based on the selection criteria listed below . From the pool of finalists the selection panel w ill review site-specific concepts and identify one artist to receive the com m ission. The Tow n appointed Public A rt Task Force (PA T) w ill review the Selection Panel findings before they are presented to the M ayor and Tow n C ouncil. The M ayor and Tow n C ouncil w ill review finalists and approve final conceptual designs before the artist enters into a contract w ith the Tow n of Jackson. 1. Subm it Q ualifications: A pplicants w ill subm it qualifications through the W estern States A rts Federation w ebsite called C A FÉ. 2.  Identification of 1-3 Finalists: O ne – three finalists w ill be identified based on the selection criteria listed below to receive a $400 honorarium to develop conceptual designs. A rtist w ill enter into conceptual design contracts w ith the Tow n of Jackson. 3. C onceptual D esigns: The Selection Panel and Public A rt Task w ill review site-specific concepts and recom m end one for approval by the M ayor and Tow n C ouncil. If approved, the artist w ill enter in a com m ission agreem ent w ith Tow n of Jackson to create pavers and the street paintings. Tow n of Jackson reserves the right to alter the m ake-up of the Panel or re-issue this R FQ and m ay recom m end non-funding if they do not receive proposals that m eet the goals of the project.   PR O JE C T B U D G E T The total budget available for use is $18,000: $15,000 to design and fabricate pavers and $3000 for designing, cutting stencils and street painting. The honorarium supports: design, including refinem ent of design based on stakeholder input, fabrication, shipping, installation of the street painting, contract labor, insurance, final docum entation and any incidental expenses. The Public W orks departm ent w ill install the pavers.   SE L E C T IO N C R IT E R IA O ne – three artists w ill be invited to subm it conceptual designs based on their qualifications. The Selection Panel w ill refer to the criteria listed below in the evaluation process. A rtistic m erit, originality, and creativity as evidenced by prior artw ork. Professional experience delivering projects of sim ilar scale, scope and budget. D em onstrated ability to undertake the design, fabrication and delivery of the artw ork w ithin the tim eline. D em onstrated responsiveness and understanding of the goals specified in the R FQ . D em onstrated ability to w ork w ith the project stakeholders to evolve a design that reflects com m unity values. A bility to appeal to a diverse audience. The Tow n of Jackson reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to accept the proposal deem ed to be in our best interest.   PR O PO SA L R E Q U IR E M E N T S Jackson H ole Public A rt w ill use W estern States A rts Federation C A FÉ site to m anage this opportunity. There is no cost to register your profile and you can update it at anytim e. To register, visit w w w .callforentry.org.  C A FÉ provides artists w ith an easy-to-use system to create a profile w ith contact inform ation, to upload digital im ages of their artw ork, and to apply to a num ber of open calls for entry at one tim e. Please label your attachm ents w ith your nam e, not the nam e of the project. For exam ple: Sm ith.Tom _R eference1.pdf   L etter of Interest: The letter should articulate the artist’s interest in this project in particular. The artist should describe how his/her w ork, process, and experience relates to this project. Please lim it the letter to 500 w ords or less.   R esum e: A tw o-page (m axim um ) current, professional resum e. A rtist team s            should subm it resum es for each team m em ber com piled into one docum ent.   R eferences: Please subm it up to 3 current references. C heck your contact’s inform ation to m ake sure it is up to date. Please m ake sure you include the reference nam e, phone, alternate phone, em ail, title and one sentence describing your professional association.   Im ages of W ork: Please provide a total of 6 im ages of previously created art that relates to this opportunity. Subm it JPEG form at, 1920 pixels m axim um on the longest size, 72 dpi, and w ith com pression settings resulting in the best im age quality w here the file size rem ains under 2M B . Please note: due to the fact that w e are w orking w ith a volunteer selection panel, w e m ay lim it the num ber of applications accepted through the C A FE w ebsite. The exact num ber accepted w ill be listed on the first page of the call description on the C A FÉ site. This m ay result in the application process filling up before the announced deadline. C A FÉ does not notify artists as the available num ber of application spots fill up. If you are starting an application close to the subm ission deadline, w e suggest you contact C arrie G eraci before you proceed to determ ine if the opportunity has reached capacity. W e m ay elect to increase the posted num ber of subm issions w e accept.   T IM E L IN E T he tim eline is subject to change. January 3: A nnounce artist opportunity. February 3, 2014: A rtist qualifications due. February 15, 2014: 1-3 finalists announced. M arch 14, 2014: C onceptual proposals due. M arch 22: Finalist announced. D eliver Pavers by M ay 15, 2014 Street Painting com plete by June 1, 2014   Im age package available for dow nload on w w w .jhpublicart.org/opportunities.    C O N T A C T : C arrie G eraci / Jackson H ole Public A rt 307-413-1474 |  carrie@ jhpublicart.org P.O . 4413 |  C enter for the A rts |  Jackson, W Y 83001 A pplications are only accepted through C aFE. Please do not m ail applications.