I need an A+ paper ASAP and everything i need 100% accurate as listed

Research Proposal Guidelines: English 1060

Research Proposal: 10%

Due Date: Thursday, February 2, 2017 at the start of class.

  • You must submit a hard copy (printed) copy of the proposal.

  • I will ONLY accept email attachments for this assignment if you are going to be absent from class on the due date. They must be time stamped prior to class time; otherwise, they are late and will not be accepted.

  • I DO NOT accept early assignments if you are attending class on the due date.

Safe Assign Due Date: The Research Proposal must be submitted to Safe Assign through Blackboard by Thursday, February 2, 2017 at 8:00 am.

  • Safe Assign will be available for you to submit your finished proposal one week prior to this due date.

  • You are required to submit to Safe Assign; anyone who does not submit to Safe Assign will earn an automatic F on the research proposal.

  • Anyone who submits to Safe Assign but does nto submit the paper version in class will automatically earn an F on the research proposal.

For this assignment, you will begin to identify the controversy that you are considering for your final project as well as some preliminary research questions regarding the controversy. To help you get started on this project, consider the following questions:

  • What do you already know about this topic?

  • What do you still need to research/find out?

  • What sources have you reviewed/researched/read? Give specific examples.

  • What are you trying to find out by analyzing and researching this controversy?

  • Why are you interested in this specific topic?

  • What questions about this topic do you have?

  • What’s the impact of this controversy on society/culture?

Writing the Research Proposal: This assignment will prompt your thinking for the emerging research paper and allow me to offer suggestions on your chosen topic. Use an essay format (2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman Font, etc.) and provide the following:

  1. Title: Your first cue for the reader clearly indicates the topic and (possibly) your approach to it.

  1. Background (one paragraph): Briefly discuss what led you to choose this topic and what you already know about it. What interests you about the topic?

  1. Research questions and issues to be investigated (one-two paragraphs): This is the most important part of your proposal because it will direct your research in its entirety. Good research questions are concise, focused, and flexible enough to allow for a focused inquiry into the field you are going to write about. Try formulating a main research question and then add any secondary questions that you think are relevant. Discuss your main research question(s), what you hope to find out—the questions that exemplify the key ideas of your investigation. (The main effort in the research paper should be to explore issues, challenges, and concerns related to the topic being examined, not simply to produce a matter-of-fact report.)

  1. Tentative resources (one paragraph per source): Briefly cite in MLA format and discuss at least three credible materials that look most promising from your preliminary research. These three sources must include your book and at least one scholarly journal article.

Source Requirements:

  • No more than two (2) of your sources can be websites or web pages. Note: This does not include journal articles from online databases or online magazine articles. Also, websites must end in .org, .edu, or .gov.

  • At least one (1) of your sources must be a scholarly book.

  • At least two (2) of your sources must be peer-reviewed journal articles. Remember that you will need the PDF versions of these in order to cite page numbers. All scholarly journals will have page numbers.

  • Include a variety of types of sources (academic journal articles, newspaper articles, books, etc.).

  • You may not use Opposing Viewpoints or CQ Researcher as sources; however, you can use them to generate ideas for topics.

  • Sources must provide a variety of perspectives on the topic you have selected.

  • Sources must be dated within the past ten years (2006-2017).

  1. Justification (one paragraph): Explain why this is a worthwhile research project. Consider what the impact of this question/controversy is on society.

NOTE: A genuine research process is an activity of discovery. Thus the points of focus discussed in the proposal will likely evolve as you research, think, and write. Some of your anticipated sources may later be displaced by other, more useful sources. That being said, the creation of a successful proposal will tell you whether the chosen topic is in fact interesting to you, what intriguing (challenging, controversial, debatable) issues are worth exploring and whether useful research resources will be available to you.