I need an A+ paper ASAP and everything i need 100% accurate as listed

Annotated Bibliography: English 1060

Annotated Bibliography: 10%

Due Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017 at the start of class. I will ONLY accept email attachments for this assignment if you are going to be absent from class on the due date. I DO NOT accept early assignments if you are attending class on the due date.

Safe Assign Due Date: The Annotated Bibliography must be submitted to Safe Assign through Blackboard by Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 8:00 am. Safe Assign will be available to you one week prior to the due date for unlimited submissions. You are required to submit both a Safe Assign and in-class hard copy of the assignment to receive full credit. If you only submit one way, you will earn half credit/50.

The Annotated Bibliography assignment asks you to summarize and critically evaluate at least eight (8) relevant sources that you are planning on using for your argumentative paper. Writing the critical annotated bibliography will help you determine what argument you want to present in the final paper and how each source will contribute to your argument.

The Basics: An annotated bibliography is a list of citations and annotations to books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive and evaluation that provides a summary of the main theme of the source through paraphrase and a discussion of the source’s relevance, accuracy, quality, and purpose. Therefore, for each of your sources, you should include an entry with relevant publication information in MLA format and a critical annotation. Consult the updated MLA PDF on Blackboard as you prepare the publication information. Arrange the entries in alphabetical order.

Source Requirements: Your bibliography should contain 8 entries and should meet the following criteria:

  • No more than two (2) of your sources can be websites or web pages. Note: This does not include journal articles from online databases or online magazine articles. Also, websites must end in .org, .edu, or .gov.

  • At least one (1) of your sources must be a book.

  • At least two (2) of your sources must be peer-reviewed journal articles. Remember that you will need the PDF versions of these in order to cite page numbers. All scholarly journals will have page numbers.

  • Include a variety of types of sources (academic journal articles, newspaper articles, books, etc.).

  • You may not use Opposing Viewpoints or CQ Researcher as sources; however, you can use them to generate ideas for topics.

  • Sources must provide a variety of perspectives on the topic you have selected.

  • Sources must be dated within the past ten years (2006-2017).

Critical Annotations: Your annotations for each of your 8 sources should include ALL of the following:

  • The bibliographic line: This line should be a citation for the work that is consistent with MLA style.

  • The context section: This section of your annotation should identify the author, their credentials (why they are an authority in this area), the nature of the publication (book, scholarly journal, etc).

  • The content section:  This portion should identify the overall summary of the source. It should include important arguments made by the author.

  • The assessment section: This portion includes your critical evaluation of the source. It should comment on the quality of the source in terms of its validity, reliability, balance, comprehensiveness, and relevance, and it should point out any problematic issues regarding your source. Finally, it should include your own assessment of the source’s overall value to your project.

Each annotation should be no more than 250 words. Ideally, your annotations should be between 200-250 words. Annotations comprised of less than 180 words will be considered incomplete and will receive partial credit only. (Microsoft Word indicates word count.) Annotations should be written in your own words with no direct quotations from the source.