peer review

Rough Draft

The article, walking, by (Thoreau, 1862) encourages people to explore the nature extensively. The author supports the activity of walking to the “spirit of undying adventure, never to return.” The author wants the walker to be connected with the nature by sauntering. In the article, the author points out that people are too busy with the society needs to take a spiritual walking.

In the first sentence of the article, the author sums up the main and supporting arguments. The author states that “I wish to speak a word for Nature, for absolute freedom and wildness, as contrasted with freedom and culture merely civil, to regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of nature, rather than a member of society” in the first sentence. The argument is effectively supported in the paper as the three sections keep repeating the message of walking.

The author organizes the article into three parts which constantly restate the role that the nature plays in society progress. Each part raises nature and its inherent goodness by encouraging people to pursue and understand the wild. The author targets all humanity in his article and try to encourage all of them. Also, he is questioning the people who sit inside their houses about their patience, and how to miss this beautiful activity.

In the first part of the article, the author makes the reader to feel inferior to nature. The author subsequently presents the idea that the spiritual pursuit of walking is an activity that can only be taken by a passion human. In the second part, the author criticizes the effects of environmental destruction in search of civilization since he holds that civilization holds nothing for the society progress. We can notice an element of Kairos in this part of the article. The author notes the pursuit of civilization just as the West is emerging as an industrial power and advocates for their protection of the environment.

In the third part of the paper, appeals to the moral and emotional interests of individuals are made by the author. The author motivates interest in the existence of nature, and the spiritual potential presented. We can conclude that the author appeals to the pathos and ethos of society towards the exploration of nature. The structuring of the article is a logical for the reader and allows the audience to understands detailed reasoning from the article.

The author states that he does not understand “how womankind, who are confined to the house still more than men, stand it.” The statement is factual as it admitted the role of women as housewives while at the same time criticizing the fixation in the sentence. Also, the statement can get evaluated as the use of Kairos since it uses the opportunity to degrade women in society. At the time of the article creation, women occupied an inferior position to men, and this makes the article easily recognizable to the audience.

The author writes about nature and its benefits physically and mentally. He also ethically relates his ideas to a quote by Ben Jonson which has the effect of validating his ideas. He restates the quote to “How near to good is what is wild!”

In the article, the author appeals to the emotions of an individual and encourages them to take the exploration of nature. The author points out that personalities are more associated with the environmental conditions of a person and can change depending on how a given society relates to the person. By stating this position, (Thoreau, 1862) develops a logical statement to the audience to analyse the message in the article. Also, the statement appeals to the emotion and encourage people to identify more with the environment than the permanent identity given to them.