prospectus and annotated bib


Are Homeschools Better Than Public Schools? 9.5 points: Title does a great job in indicating what the essay will be about, however try to put your stance on the topic in the title (e.g Homeschooling is better than public school or Public school is better than homeschooling).


ENG 205-19

Seval Karakoc



Should the kids be home schooled, or are they fine in public schools? Not many parents ask themselves this question. However, the number of students who are being homeschooled has been growing significantly in the last several years. The main idea of this paper is why parents, in general, believe public schools are better. Do they believe so out of choice, or is it because they do not have the choice to homeschool their children, so they have to send them to public school and hope for the best. 9.5 points: Summary indicates what the essay will be about along with why it is an issue. However, try adding as to why this is an issue or your motivation. Great summary! Overall, just be a little more specific.


This paper will focus on the overall result of homeschooling and public schools. The reasons as to why some parents prefer homeschooling over public school will also be explored. It has been a very long time since people have looked closely at homeschooling and its benefits. People are sending their kids to public schools, but they do not agree completely with everything presented in those schools. The increasing number s of parents who are thinking of homeschooling their own children instead of sending them to a public schools indicates a disagreement on the policies and methods of teaching in public schools. One of the controversies is the amount of time and attention needed for children in order for them to succeed. Others involve the environment in which the student interacts with on daily basis, which some argue cannot be safe and controlled in pu blic schools.

Research Question

Does homeschooling tend to produce more successful children in the future?

Guiding Questions

Is it better to have more attention toward the students?

Does the environment in school affect the children positively or negatively?

How can parents provide the best education for their children?

10 points: Research question gets straight to the point. The guiding questions are great to help answer the research question. I like that your guiding questions stay close to the topic! Nice job.


Bouwer, C., Schalkwyk, L, V. (2011). Homeschooling: Heeding the voices of learners. Education as Change, 15(2), 179-190.

In this paper, Bouwer unusually seeks the feedback from the students in homeschools. He performs this case study by conducting interviews with parents and their children to ask them about their views on their own homeschools. He also takes a closer look at the feedback from both the parents, as well as their children and compares them in order to find any dissimilarities. The article explores the conflicting feedback s from the children, which will provide a strong counterargument for my essay. The article comes from a journal article which gives a high credibility to rely on. 10 points: Great amount of detail about the source along with how you will use it in your essay. Having a source that discusses the experiences of both the children and parents with homeschooling will definitely help give you an insight. Very clear description. You make a point for every necessary aspect of the description! Nice.

Brain, D, R. (2011). 2.04 Million Homeschool students in the United States in 2010. Salem, OR: National Home Education Research Institute.

The report follows previous research es concerning the number of students who m are homeschooled. Brain utilizes previous research records, and data from federal agencies and states in order to estimate the current number of homeschool ing students. The article suggests that the number of homeschool ing students is rising,which will allow me use that in my supporting statements. Although the research is six years old, it is considered somewhat credible since the data used comes from government and federal agencies, which are not biased. 9 points: Try not to use first person pronouns in your ABs. Also, I would only use certain statistics from the source because I feel as if six years is a bit too old to use for how much homeschooling is increasing. You can never know if it suddenly dropped in the past years. Other than that, this source will help guide you with your argument.

Brain, D. R. (2015). Research facts on homeschooling. Salem, OR: National Home Education Research Institute.

Brain in this research looks for the general reasons on why homeschooling is becoming the new trend. He discovers findings which consider ing the reasons behind homeschooling, learners’ success, academic performance, and differences in gender. This article will provide helpful information regarding homeschooling in general. Also, it can be used to make new discussion views regarding my article since it gives many aspects to the homeschooling environment. However, it is not considered very credible as stated in the report by the author himself. 9.5 points: Having a current source will definitely support your argument more! Since you mentioned that the author himself said it is not too credible, make sure to use it with caution. Good specificity of how you will use the research.

Christa, L., Green, V, K., Hoover-Dempsey. (2007). Why do parents homeschool? A systematic examination of parental involvement. Education and Urban Society, 39(2), 264-285.

This paper is a research that compares parents who prefer homeschooling and parents who do not. It looks for the specific reasons on why the parents who homeschool decide to do so. The study assumes that the parents do so because they are mentally more motivated to educate their children, and can more close to understand the context in which their kids live in . Also, the study looks for any agreements between the two sides. This research is very credible and will allow an unbiased comparison between the two sides of the argument. In addition, it will provide me with sufficient amount of information for the both sides. 10 points: Having a source with the insights of both types of schooling will aid you in background information and support your argument. Try not to use first person!

Gardiner, B. (2012 April 10). My View: Why I chose home schooling. CNN. Retrieved from

This article gives an inside look on the reasons why a pediatrician decided to homeschool her own children, and her overall positive experience she went through. Gardiner explains how she reached the decision that homeschooling is better, even though she herself went through the public school experience and is nowa successful pediatrician. This article can be used as a very good example of why homeschooling is a better choice, since the writer is considered as an overall successful person However, as a homeschooling person, her bias toward the comparison needs to be taken into account. 9.5 points: An explanation as to why she feels public school has negative effects would have been nice to see in this AB. However, having a source with an individual who went through public schooling and yet still believed homeschooling was a better option will help your argument even further. Because this is an opinion article, make sure you are using her best points to your advantage. Explain how you will use her argument to support yours.

Kunzman, R. (2009). Understanding homeschooling a better approach to regulation. Theory and Research in Education, 7(3), 311-330.

This article provides a critical view to the option of homeschooling children. It takes a close look at current and newly proposed regulations and analyzes them in order to find any negative effects they might have on _________-. Kunzman finds that certain regulations are not actually beneficial for students and that people who propose these regulations often do not have a deep understanding of the homeschooling process. This paper will allow me to take a look at some of the opposing arguments and eventually provide a better overall understanding. The article comes from a scholarly journal so the bias in it is nonexistent . 10 points: Definitely use this source to guide you in your counter argument! Having an insight as to what people have against homeschooling will allow you to think of solutions to them and persuade them to think otherwise. This will be a great source!

Lubienski, C. (2003). A critical view of home education. Evaluation & Research in Education, 17(2-3), 167-178.

in this article, Lubienski looks critically at the fast spread of homeschools while still acknowledging their advantages. He challenges the amplification of these said advantages \ and emphasizes taking a more serious stand towards them. The article will allow me to find more scientific and serious opposing views to debate. 9 points: Just add the source’s credibility and you should be good to go! Credibility?

Michael, F, C. (2010). Exploring academic outcomes of homeschooled students. Journal of College Admission, (208), 18-25.

Michael, H, R.(2006). Revisiting the common myths about homeschooling. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 79(3), 125-129.

Thomas, J. (2016). Instructional motivations: What can we learn from homeschooling families?. The Qualitative Report, 21(11), 2073-2086.

3 points for previous three citations: Cited them correctly, but of course no description is present.

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