
Course: HM-4100-Human Resources management

Assignment: Writing job description Instruction

Job Description and Specification

Job Title:

Personal Wellness Coaches (PWC)

Approved Date: 01/2009

Position Summary

Arise is a day destination spa that focuses on the benefits of spa health treatment and the well-being of the customers. The personal wellness coaches (PWC) help the different clients in the coming up with solutions designed at making the clients attain their target wellness and good health.

They are responsible in their work by realizing the benefit of change and ensuring respect for the clients through the process of actively working towards better health by providing support, encouragement, and education.

Essential Job Functions, Duties, and Responsibilities

  1. Client services and relationship

  • Determine if a client can be a good agent of the coaching process

  • Explore the motivation of the client and understand the reason for seeking change

  • Obtain information regarding the wellness process

  • Make a good explanation to the client on the wellness process.

  1. Attainment of goals and objectives

  • Assist client in getting a good vision of what they want to achieve

  • Work with the client in order to establish step by step roles and responsibilities that will lead to attainment of goals

  1. Personal traits

  • Work with client for progressive change

  • Operate according to the laws set to guide the operations of health and wellness

  • Operate ethically in an environment that has certain set standards

(Feedback) Missing functions(need to add these below contents) :

Provide specialty spa treatments (3 points)

Create integrated health and happiness plans (3)

Build strong customer relationships. (2)

Coordinate with your co-workers to provide clients the best possible service. (3)

Recommend products to clients for not the sole purpose of making an incentive or sale, but for recognizing a need and addressing it. (2)

Help maintain the cleanliness of the facilities and restock supplies when needed. (2)

Job Specifications/Qualifications:

High degree in health promotion, health education, nursing, athletic training, nutrition, and good health related documents. Rich experience as a wellness coach. Knowledge of specific disease and lifestyle topics research study like nutrition, stress reduction and certification by an accredited professional wellness coach training program.

  1. Education background on wellness and health

  2. Demonstrate good communication skills

  3. Able to create rapport with the clients

  4. Have good record keeping skills

  5. Able to maintain good interpersonal relationships

  6. Be a good planner of work

  7. Demonstrate personal skills in setting and attaining goals and have good decision making skills

To be successful a Wellness Coach must have well-developed emotional and social competencies in these areas:

  1. Self-Control: A wellness coach should be composed and positive for pressure problem.

  2. Understanding: A wellness coach should be understanding people’s feelings and their habits.

  3. Communication: A wellness coach should have good communication with people and learned about what do they want.

  4. Conflict Management: A Wellness Coach should be tactful and able to calm tense situations.

  5. Achievement Drive: A Wellness Coach should to always constantly strives to improve their standards.

  6. Collaboration and Cooperation – A Wellness Coach should to shares plans, information and resources to others. Team work is important.

  7. Innovation – A Wellness Coach should to always create to new ideas and approaches during in their work.

  8. Service Orientation: A wellness coach should have good attitude, patience and meets customer’s needs.