health assignment

Family Healtn Immediate Family Your Mother Your Father Your Brother & Sisters He Ahdab Instructions: Please list those eist Anv OtherDetü!l$ Gor ChecV t q 80 ASS to you by blood. Do not adopted family members. foster children or friencts. Half-siblings brothers PLEASE REMEMBER TO SHARE THIS INFORMATION YOUR DOCTOR. Mother's Side of the Family Your Maternal Grandparents Anv Other Parents) Your Maternal Aunts & Uncles ftvlc,t h er's Brothers & S sters) qqa Your Maternal First Cousins 88 Father's Side of the Family ? ist ( Conditions Your Paternal Grandparents Give (E)et3ilt, Checkea Fathe'"s Oatents) Your Paternal Aunts & Uncles Fathe'"s Brothers & Sisters) qqq Your Paternal First Cousins (our Fatne y s & N!eces) A C eeæ (01010 O Holistic Lifestyle Questionnaire Our lives today are very complex. To maintain health, all dimensions of our lives need attention. If we invest too much of our energies in one or two of these dimensions, the others will suffer, resulting in a decrease of our overall well-being. All dimensions relate to and affect each other. For example, what happens at work often affects what happens at home. The goal of a wellness lifestyle is to continually strive for both a balance between the dimensions as well as a high level of wellness in each dimension.

The overall composite is: 608 out of 1000 Group: c050 Id:60225400 Email: none Age: 25 Gender:female Education - Highest Level College Do You Have Health Insurance Yes Favorite Exercise Walking I watch TV 8 to 14 hours per week This part of the report was designed to help you examine your current level of wellness in each often sections of wellness. The chart reflects the balance among the sections and the room for improvement in each. Rau score section totals for PIN 140 120 100 88.0 72.0 72.0 72.0 64.0 56.0 56.0 60 52.0 40.0 36.0 40 20 0 Emotional Intel lectual Occupational Spirituality Nutrition Self Care Safety Environment Sexual i ty Physical Holistic Lifest9e Questionnaire Score by Section Physical Activity : 52 Nutrition: 36 Self Care: 56 Safety : 88 Social and Environmental Wellness: 64 Overall Composite Score: 608 Emotional Awareness and Sexuality: 72 Emotional Management : 72 Intellectual Wellness :56 Occupational Wellness: 72 Spirituality and Values : 40 2/1/201' Interpretation of Scores Section 80- IOO Excellent 60 - 79 Good Less than 60 Room for Improvement Overall Composite 800 - 1000 600 - 790 Less than 600 Excellent Good Room for Improvement As you review the results, note any sections in which your group exceeded the 80th percentile. These scores will identify the strengths of your group that may be used as a foundation for improving the organization's total well being. Those scores which are lower than 60% may need careful attention as you design and implement wellness programs. Holistic Lifestyle Questionnaire Congratulations! You have demonstrated that you are making good choices regarding your health. You are doing particularly well in the following areas: • Safety : 88 Build on the great start you have made in the preceding areas by making positive changes in the following areas: • Social and Environmental Wellness : 64 • Emotional Awareness and Sexuality : 72 • Emotional Management : 72 • Occupational Wellness : 72 It is important that you pay attention to the choices that you are making in the following areas as they need improvement: • Physical Activity : 52 • Nutrition : 36 • Self Care : 56 • Intellectual Wellness : 56 • Spirituality and Values : 40 Today our lives and the lives of our employees are very complex. To maintain a healthy balance, all dimensions of our lives need attention. If we invest too much of our energies in one or two of these dimensions, the others will suffer, resulting in a decrease of our overall well-being. All dimensions relate to and affect each other. For example, what happens at work often affects what happens at home. The goal of a wellness lifestyle is to continually strive for both a balance between the dimensions as well as a high level of wellness in each dimension. Contact Information Ryan Kohn or Walter Wright National Wellness Institute, Inc. 1300 College Ct Stevens Point WI 54481 USA Phone: 715.342.2969 Fax : 715.342.2979