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­Curiosity has consistently guided me to new rewarding experience, from traveling intensively to studying abroad in the United States since age seventeen. Though leaving home was a tough decision, I have always determined to challenge myself—to discover my possibilities and face the unknown. Indeed, I strongly believe that we cannot become a better self if we remain what we are. The same principle likewise applies to corporations because customers’ expectations are forever expanding, hence formulating a never-ending competitive environment. Therefore, corporations should always keep up with social/technological changes in order to retain a competitive edge. Undoubtedly, business analytics has an increasingly significant role in the future. This is one of the reasons why I am thrilled to apply for MSc Business Analytics program, where I can indulge my curiosity, create opportunity, and reveal possibility in the business world through data analysis.

Growing up in an entrepreneurial family, my parents have faced countless hardships and stressful uncertainties. My family’s business is in the garment-manufacturing industry. Currently, their main customers are Wal-Mart, Tesco Lotus, Big C and other hypermarkets in Asia. One of my ultimate goals is to spread the risk and expand the consumer markets by applying what I learn to help them making optimal decisions more efficiently and effectively. Recently, I have come to realize numerous problems pertaining to wages and labor disputes. Rapid wage gains pose a great difficulty to labor-intensive firms, my family’s business included. I am eager to figure out whether to increase the capacity or outsource from other countries; whether to invest in automation or keep the traditional manufactures. My motivation further stem from my curiosity to understand how data analysis can improve decision qualities under risks and uncertainties. Also, I am keen to learn how current technologies and advance analysis can be implemented to develop more suitable, rational and accurate strategies, in order to develop my family’s business, as I believe where there are gaps in information, there are opportunities to grasp those extravagant profits. In the real world, I deem that professional business analyst who has the ability to collect data, analyze large amount of data, and use that to forecast the future is the one who benefit most.

With the world becoming a global village, “Smart Data,” the product of Industry 4.0, became the revolution in this contemporary society. For me, I have always used two common methods for decision-making: one is based on my own experience; another is analyzing quantitative data, known information, and current situation. I strongly believe analyzing data information is the most essential process in decision-making because data always tell the objective facts. As today’s data drastically evolved, it is critical for companies to constantly gather data and make real-time actions. Through my academic and professional experience, I aim to impact business performance through utilizing this “smart data” to improve decision qualities.

Over the years, I have focused on sharing my knowledge with other people through helping them make smart decisions hence transforming their life positively. My introduction to data analysis can be attributed to Supply Chain Management course where I got the opportunity to learn the analytical skills, tools and highly rigorous techniques aimed at propelling effective decision making. Determined to advance myself both personally and professionally, I have undertaken opportunities during my college years as a student leader—executive vice president, marketing/multimedia director and treasurer in three different student organizations which allow me to develop a superb interpersonal skills and communication strategies. I managed to apply theoretical knowledge and transformed it into a practical application. For instance, I utilized a statistical model, Net Promoter Score, to evaluate membership experience/satisfaction of guest speakers and increase membership retention rate.

Moreover, I performed my internship in Hongkong Bank and VL&M Apparel, as an Intern where I developed my problem solving skills, communication skills, and strategic planning skills. As a trainee, I had on-hands experience through planning, monitoring and assisting the real-world business cases. After completing my master program, I intended to work at a leading global firm such as BCG, OC&C and Big4 while improving my family’s business operations on the side. I know that when I combine this passion and the knowledge I will gain from the course, I will push my goals to accomplish world-changing ideas.

As the first-class university in the world and its superb reputation, Boston College is my first destination where I want to gain my knowledge in Business Analytics. It is the right place for me where I can surrounded myself by those distinguished professors and talented classmates whom I can share my personal perspective with and gain valuable insights from.

Apart from its excellent location, I have chosen this program particularly because by getting the opportunity to undertake real consulting project for big firm clients would help me to be better equipped to face the real world. I strongly believe that this program will be a great jumpstart for my future career as an analytics professional. Completing a degree at Boston College would allow more opportunities to further my career path including a better understanding of the importance of the problems facing in today’s business worlds and the skills to resolve them. In today’s complex business environment, an organization’s adaptability and ability to manage constant change through innovation can be keys to success. Thus, able to master powerful analysis tools that are offered at Boston College such as: R, Python, DBMS, Gurobi, and many up to date programs will be beneficial for me in helping businesses implement technology solution in a cost-effective way in the future.

As a home to the KPMG Centre for Advanced Business Analytics, this program uniquely aligns coursework with practical experiences in solving real-world data sets. I will also be able to learn analytics from the broad spectrum of business through chosen electives. Likewise, Boston college has always been excellent in keeping in touch with big firms and alumni. I believe these networking events along with an exceptional career development department could keep me in the right track for achieving my goals.

Through this personal statement I have shared my motivation, academic background, career background and interests in Boston College. I believe that I am suitable applicant for your MSc Business Analytics and also hope this will serve as an overall picture for my qualifications and main reasons to request admission into the MSc Business Analytics program. I believe that at Boston College, I can engage my leadership, curiosity, and passion through university community, while building up the strong perpetual base for my future career. I strongly believe MSc Business Analytics will better prepare me for a future of data and evidence-based decision making that will expound my career growth and self-branding and thus enhance my competitiveness in the future career field.