Revamp 3 PowerPoint Slides For Prototype


  • Attempted to hold team meeting. However, iconnect and team area not setup for class.

  1. Discussion was had over emails as to selection of CPU and sensors. Brandon was to post sensor list and we each were to choose one, order and evaluate it.

  2. Session Gantt chart to be made by Lisa .

  • Brandon’s list of sensors

Water Temperature Sensor:

MARETRON Temp Probe Immersion --> $39.97 23921.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjwhbzABRDHw_i4q6fXoLIBEiQANZKGW4eHpcfrUWS2KKmUO5gEqMHJ 2A341-uOvKqnmi5ieS8aAuRs8P8HAQ

Sensaphone 2.8K Weatherproof Temp Probe --> $27.00 Probe-environmental-moni/565070.aspx?cm_cat=GoogleBase&cm_ite=565070&cm_pla=NA- SNA_NA&cm_ven=acquirgy&ef_id=VlvWvwAAAYNf4z7X:20161025234021:s&gclid=Cj0KEQjwhb zABRDHw_i4q6fXoLIBEiQANZKGW8pkIEyDLFA24GzNsILOrE4NpMZ6uSGeGGy6hynHg7kaAtHM8P 8HAQ&s_kwcid=AL!4223!3!61836302419!!!g!18283950120!

Waterproof DS18B20 Digital Temp Sensor --> $9.95

O2 Level Sensor: These sensors are very expensive and unrealistic for our build. May have to simply suggest monitoring O2 levels.

Honewell 785-GMS10RVS --> $290.49...Built in, but too expensive. Bd5SaE4M8x%2fwqgegyiIi1DI3%252bh6Zc%3d

Milwaukee-MW600 DO Meter --> $169.00...Would not be built in, monitoring only, expensive. instruments/mw/mw600.asp?gclid=Cj0KEQjwhbzABRDHw_i4q6fXoLIBEiQANZKGW2JW UCNJrFFIW6oZEFiu8ajditdGx2r2skNJYF9_HFQaAvbI8P8HAQ

Mikroe-1820 --> $12.00...Unsure of how exactly to implement this, cheap. 1820/?qs=sGAEpiMZZMtWSrBd5SaE4DQK8tj6WX7JYWH84g7cwsX9Q0jRI%2f9H3g%3d% 3d

Nitrate level sensor: I believe we discussed eliminating this sensor due to cost as well. Monitoring at infrequent intervals will suffice as nitrate levels change over extended period of time.

YSI ProDSS Nitrate Sensor --> $546.25...Expensive, built in?

Pinpoint Nitrate Monitor --> $249.99...Expensive, external to system. cmpid=03cseYY&gclid=Cj0KEQjwhbzABRDHw_i4q6fXoLIBEiQANZKGW6Ld48 pfC44GReeDzj9VE8_5_ymyE8gBEhJq0aqB11IaAgnr8P8HAQ

Milwaukee Instruments Portable pH Meter --> $79.99...Cheap, external to system. cmpid=03cseYY&gclid=Cj0KEQjwhbzABRDHw_i4q6fXoLIBEiQANZKGW5nqnx erHqwwg42pIz_hghI6GrGEUpHK8wkUDgXz95IaAip18P8HAQ

6 in 1 Water Tester PH EC CF PPM TDS and Temp--> $89.90..This will take care of nitrate, Temp and possibly Oxygen by utilizing the EC function. ppm-tds-temperture/262489381.html?listingId=334862478&sclid=pla_google_Yesc omUSA&adid=29963&gclid=Cj0KEQjwhbzABRDHw_i4q6fXoLIBEiQANZKG W2ZpK307xuKAs-pzUG046jxT9k1AdGhNLd0GlhLy3oMaAsmn8P8HAQ

Moisture Level Sensor: (Soil Moisture?)

Soil Temp/Moisture Sensor --> $49.95 6fXoLIBEiQANZKGW2wtNMaAAZHAmI1umYINpD20LGTAAxaFT3fGJDoTDoUaAlNa8P8HAQ

Melnor Soil Moisture Sensor --> $24.97 HD/206484992?cm_mmc=Shopping%7cTHD%7cG%7c0%7cG-BASE-PLA- AllProducts%7c&gclid=Cj0KEQjwhbzABRDHw_i4q6fXoLIBEiQANZKGW3L26E_ZJom7zr2M xt- wsorQnV776hnf8Uyj0jcVn6waApUk8P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds

Water Flow Sensor:

In-Line Dual ¼’ TDS Meter --> $29.40 meter.php?gclid=Cj0KEQjwhbzABRDHw_i4q6fXoLIBEiQANZKGW9_wVQODn No6wVVx63sMU9rLMp_KxwIOnCa8lVfuvyEaApyg8P8HAQ

Tom TM1296 Aquarium Flow meter --> $21.99 13196&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=cpc_W&utm_campaign=GooglePLA&utm_content= pla&ca_sku=FPS-13196&ca_gpa=pla&ca_kw=& 13196&cvo_crid=96679191443

Transparent Water Flow SensorFlowmeter --> $4.73...May need another module in order to implement this sensor.

  • This week our Proposal review analysis is due. We discussed the feedback we received from our previous professor to update and improve our proposal. At this point the only feedback we received was to check the formatting. The proposal was reviewed and some formatting changes such as erroneous page numbers was corrected. The new session Gantt chart was included to update the proposal for this session, and in text citations were added and citations were updated to be in the proper format.

  • We reviewed and updated out Gantt chart so we are on task for the session.

  • The first major design decision we need to make, is what controller to use. To this end we prepared a comparison between several controllers and will discuss these and possibly others at out weekly Monday meeting.

Revamp 3 PowerPoint Slides For Prototype 1

We held our weekly Team meeting to discuss this week’s goals and deliverables. We decided to divide the project into subsystems and to assign each subsystem to a team member. The team member would be responsible for creating a design alternative for that substation. These alternatives could consist of parts, functions definition or some other way to help us design or further refine our project.


System Summary

This summary is written for a brief explanation of each aspect pertaining to the overall Aquaponics control device. Each will be outlined in order to allow for individual research and development by team members and then eventual combination into the first prototype version for testing. Most actions will require ladder logic rung programming to accept sensor input, operate within defined specifications, and output to a relay to control a 110V power outlet to the consumer’s device, such as a heating element, emergency water filter, light source, etc. Each team member will choose one or two subsystems to research and develop alternatives for our Week 4 presentation.

Revamp 3 PowerPoint Slides For Prototype 2

Illustrated above is the data flow of each subsystem summarized as follows;

  1. Beginning at the top, we see the grow lighting. The design is to control a relay controlled outlet for a specified amount of time. Timers may be needed to control both ON and OFF periods over 24 hours repetitively.

  2. The heating element is actuated by the temp probe. The program should maintain the temperature within a designated range recommended for the type of fish in the system. The probe sensor should be rated for its elemental exposure and accuracy to the desired range.

  3. The water pump is either full time, or runs in a periodic manner. If the consumer requires full time operation, a full time outlet can be utilized. If periodic operation is desired, timers will be utilized via PLC programming to control ON/OFF times.

  4. The flow meter is utilized to verify the delivery of flow provided by the water pump. As the pump takes on debris from the tank, the internal filter will begin to reduce the water pump’s output flow. Implementation of an alert to the consumer of the pump condition and possibly switching over to a secondary pump to maintain adequate flow in the interim could be an option. A two pump system could be recommended with this back and forth operation for continual operation. Thoughts are also aligned with minimizing failure of a necessary life enduring facet of the system.

  5. The oxygen measurement is designed to ensure correct oxygen levels in the water for the fish. The number and/or size of the fish in their environment may lower oxygen levels to critical levels. As one aeration device may run continuously via a full time outlet, a secondary aerator may be utilized as both a backup and an additional source to provide adequate levels by input from the O2 sensor and a triggered output to a relay controlled outlet.

  6. The food dispenser is operated on a timed basis. The dispenser will be a container based delivery system which employs a screw type shaft to deliver a set amount of food based on the amount of time the screw runs for. This type of system may not exist and be a sub product offered in tandem with the control device. Mechanical/electrical design will be necessary and control operation tied into the processor will be considered using timers and relays.

  7. Backup filtration is actuated by the ammonia/nitrite sensor. In the event adequate bacterial conversion and plant extraction of toxic ammonia and nitrites build up, a backup filtration unit will be actuated to circulate fish tank water through a carbon based filter to lower those levels within an acceptable range. As the sensor’s seem to be very expensive, existing less expensive products could be integrated into our design while highjacking the signal to provide for our needs. This will need further collaboration by the team.

Revamp 3 PowerPoint Slides For Prototype 3

  1. PLC/microcontroller. Probably the most pivotal aspect of the entire system. Determination of the best type of controller will be a team decision.

  2. Power supply is to provide stepped-down processor power and 110V outlet power.

  3. Device enclosure to house the processor, power in from the wall, outlets, LED’s, relays, I/O interfaces to provide appropriate environmental exposure rating.

  4. HMI. Either part of the device enclosure or an external panel connected via wire to the enclosure to provide a visual support to the consumer. We discussed this as an upgrade option to the basic device.

  5. An unlisted aspect of system automation could be a water level float switch sensor to actuate a fresh water fill hose valve to maintain the fish tank water.

We could take the perspective of the following subsystems, such as;

  1. Power Supply- 110V in, step down to 5V for processor and direct 110V for outlets

  2. Sensor Interface- How the sensors connect to the device.

  3. Relay Controlled Outlet- relays connected to outlets triggered by processor outputs

  4. Enclosure- Environment rated, chassis design, LED indicators, etc

  5. Processor- PLC, Raspberry Pi, USB I/O board

  6. GUI- LabView, PLC HMI, none on base model, optional upgrade, etc

A one slide highlight of the presentation :


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Week 5

This week we made an important decision regarding the processing system for our project. We have decided to use the LabView application presented previously as a design alternative. Mainly, the decision revolved around overall project compatibility and cost of project options desired by the team. The NI USB-6001 DAQ board will serve as the processing interface between the LabView GUI and the sensors. We have initiated communication channels with National Instruments (NI) and DeVry’s NI account representative’s to gain coordination between the NI product and Team Alpha Electronics product. Additionally, a change in subsystem focus was made.

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This week we are working on our project development plan. This was basically comprised of updating our project proposal to include design developments for both software and hardware. We have picked out sensors compatible with the NI USB-6001 , and have further developed our power requirements.

Our project block diagram has been updated:

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And the sensor connection to the NI USB-6001 board have been defined

Preliminary software testing has been started. The message handling and control interrupts have been constructed and verified. The demo version is currently working with artificial data inputs.