Literature review: non-verbal communication on friendships and romantic relationships.

The chosen topic for the research proposal will be about the nonverbal communication

Impact on friendships and romantic relationships.

e reason for choosing the topic is to check how the nonverb


iffer d how unication style is

lookat the studies that are already discussed pre There are a lot of ways to express the nonverbal interactions in different situations,


such as expressing emotions at first time and later meetings, showing preferences, using soci media later for exampling, etc. The fo thefuture paperis-to ow nonverbal commun•cation was examined in many studies in different situations and what are at the studies came up with to be applied in future research as for discovering different points of view in interactions between people in relational experiences. As of how to form expresstons

er al cues from initial meeting and future meetings. The targeted people in the

research will be included from both genders at an adult age starting at 18 years and above.

Looking at Ray and Floyd (2006) is an example of a study for showing the preferences in

nonverbal emotions. Li

previous research while later sources will be provided throughout the process. The provided (\

research questions and variables are the building focus that is going to be tested for the research o

application regarding nonverbal communication settings. S-UV,—

does the first limpression make an impact in friendships and romantic r ionships?

D Gender Reaction towards the act.