Case Study 99

Case Study

Name: Your name (please no DNumber).

Date: Date of submittal.

Title: Topic title here.


The aims, context and things you think are linked to the topic. You can use the information in the case study tab as a start.

Research Review

This is a section where the research into existing web articles that may impact on the topic is reviewed and discussed.


What were the results of your investigation and what answers do they give you? You could insert images, tables or graphs that support your observations


What were the results of your investigation and what answers do they give you? You should refer back to the original topic that you would have stated in the Introduction. Does the research results answer your questions? Is the information complete? Are there any unanswered questions?


You may have some references that you talked about in the main case study. It could be a DFES document, it could be a newspaper article, it could be a web page. This is the section where you carefully say where the reader can find that information. It’s a burdensome area where you will have to follow the rules as closely as possible.


Case Studies

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