i have english HW




To: All Employees

From:, CEO

Date: September 21, 2016

Subject: Sharing of Company Information via Social Media and Text message

It has come to the attention of the management that most of the employees are flouting company policies regarding social media use and confidentiality. It is unfortunate that many of our new employees are using text messaging to communicate important company information. Additionally, others are social media platforms to send company materials that are classified. The employees are using their personal phones that operate over unregulated networks. By doing so, the employees are disregarding company rules and policies that restrict sharing of company information to within its network only.

Kindly allow me to inform and remind you that the use of personal phones and computers for work-related activities is prohibited. Additionally, the terms of employee confidentiality agreement with this company require all employees to keep its information confidential. In particular, section 12 of Act 9 of the company’s constitution explains that no employee is allowed to use company information for personal gains or disclose it to unwarranted parties. By sending confidential materials via social media, you are exposing it several unknown parties. From today, only use the company network to send confidential information.

The management strongly encourages all employees to stop sharing work-related content via social media or text messages. Remember that the company has provided all employees with telephone extensions and computers that should be used for sharing all company information and materials. Any unauthorized disclosure of the company’s confidential information will lead to disciplinary actions against you. If necessary, the company can start a lawsuit against you.

I hope that this reminder is sufficient to caution you against the misuse text messages and social media. For any concerns and questions, our doors are ever open. Thank you for your attention and continued cooperation.