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PENS Report

Argosy University

Chilli Bowl Pimp Jr.

PENS Report

The Key Points from the PENS Report and the Primary Objectives of Division 19

The PENS report under the American Psychological Association seeks to enforce national security by ensuring secure that a line is drawn between psychologists’ involvement in torture or related interrogation activities. The report also argues that psychologists involved in investigation activities do not use healthcare related information to the detriment of the individual's safety (Lynch, 2012). The report also explains that psychologists are aware of the government laws and hence do not break them when executing their professional roles. On the same note, they serve in matters of national security in a manner that is consistent with the ethics code. Lastly, the psychologists have an obligation to consult in difficult ethical dilemmas as well as maintain confidentiality.

Other Ethical Considerations

Command control is based on the belief that individual level issues can become unit level problems that can affect both readiness and operational percent psychologist should consider the possible innocence of a person under interrogation. When no clear regulations exist matters of legal concern should be placed under consultation rather than impulse decision makeng (Lynch, 2012). However, the case of competencies is bypassed by the fact that psychologists can act beyond their competence in matters of emergency and bases of scientific and professional judgments (Lynch, 2012).

Some of the Significant Ethical Considerations Handled By an Operational Psychologist

Operation psychologists need to handle ethical concerns of utmost importance every day. Firstly, there is confidentiality. Psychologists are required to uphold the client's dignity and privacy with utmost care. Psychologists share the minimum amount of information necessary with people who have a clear professional course for obtaining the data. Secondly, there is deception. Psychologists are expected to define their roles in any interrogation (Zimbardo, 2006). This functions to eliminate misleading and wrong impressions and roles in any interrogation.

How an Operational Psychologist Would Prepare

Dilemmas in psychology require prior ethical preparation for purposes of delivering judgments that are parallel with the laws. Lynch (2012) argues that psychologists always speculate that they may face a difficult situation shortly. For this purpose, they should embrace preparatory techniques such as consulting and acquainting oneself with how ethnicity and culture interact with interrogation or information gathering techniques. Lastly, psychologists should consider other similar past cases. This serves to inform on the basis of judgments about difficult issues.

Where Operational Psychologists Would Seek Guidance or Advice on Such Issues

When faced with difficult and uncertainty issues psychologists can seek advice and guidance from their fellow psychologists. Zimbardo, (2006) explains that seeking advice depends on the level of career. Senior psychologists offer advice to junior upcoming psychologists. On the other hand, operational psychologists can be guided by the rules of the American Psychological Association. The guidelines offered to allow the psychologists to make judgments that are in line with the law and ethics code. Lastly, they can do research; this focuses on similar cases in the past, how they were handled and the judgment criteria.


Lynch, T. C. (2012). Military psychology: Clinical and operational applications. C. H. Kennedy, & E. A. Zillmer (Eds.). Guilford Press.

Zimbardo, P. G. (2006). Commentary on the Report of the American Psychological Association's Presidential Task Force on Psychological Ethics and National Security (PENS). Retrieved February, 20, 2017.