Need Someone to do marketing work

DuPont Has Designs on Fashion

Case question for week 3:

1. What internal sources of secondary data can you identify which would be helpful?

2. What published sources of secondary data can you identify which would be helpful?

3. Assess the possible bias in the following sources of secondary data.

(a) An article interviewing designers on the new fashion trends in Floorcovering News.

(b) A DuPont sales history for 2000–2003 broken out by market regions.

(c) A chart of sales of residential carpet by region from the Census of Retail Trade.

(d) A list of bibliographic titles related to carpet fashion.

4. Match the criteria for selecting survey methods with the survey method(s) offering the best results in this case.

(a) Telephone Interview

(b) CATI (computer aided telephone interview)

(c) In-Home

(d) Mall Intercept

(e) CAPI (computer aided personal interview)

(f) Mail Surveys

(g) Mail Panels

(h) E-mail Survey

(i) Internet Survey

Use of Physical Stimuli

Quantity of Data

Obtaining Sensitive Information


Diversity of Questions

Sample Control

Response Rate


Flexibility of Data Collection

Control of Field Force

Social Desirability

Potential for Interviewer Bias

Control of Data Collection Environment

Perceived Anonymity of Respondent