Calculating Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, and Breakeven

Module 09 Questions/Problems - Calculating Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, and Breakeven

Write your answers in the space provided for each of the questions below:

Price x Volume = Fixed Cost + (Variable Cost per Unit x Volume)

  1. Find the breakeven price if:

    • Volume = 1000

    • Variable Cost per Unit=$5

    • Total Fixed Cost=$2500

  1. Find the breakeven volume if:

    • Price = $25

    • (Variable Cost per Unit x volume)=$300

    • Total Fixed Cost =$5000

  1. Find the breakeven total fixed cost if:

    • Price = $30

    • Variable Cost per Unit=$10

    • Volume =10,000

  1. Find the breakeven Variable Cost per Unit if:

    • Price = $50

    • Fixed Cost=$25,000

    • Volume =15,000

  1. To help you better understand fixed and variable costs, briefly describe what happens to each of the following as volume increases: (Provide a generalization based on the concept rather than a specific number.)

  1. Total Fixed Cost?

  2. Total Variable Cost?

  3. Fixed Costs per Unit?

  4. Variable Cost per Unit?

Break-Even Volume=Fixed Costs / Contribution Margin per Unit

  1. What is the Contribution Margin per Unit if:

  • Fixed Costs = $2500

  • Revenue per visit = $150

  • Variable Cost per visit = $75

  1. What is the Break-Even Volume from the data above? Should the company provide the services if no other costs are added? Why or why not?