Making Presentation on the key concepts and Ideas of the chapter

Making Presentation on the key concepts and Ideas of the chapter 1

Learning Outcome Assessment I

Group Assignment

Book Chapter Presentations (10%)

Check the course calendar and Blackboard for due dates

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to actively participate in your learning and practice your communication, leadership, and teamwork skills.


  1. Each group is required to present a chapter from the textbook:

Elder, L. and Paul, R. (2002). Critical thinking: Tools for taking charge of your professional and Personal Life.

  1. For each assigned chapter, a group of students is required to deliver a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate the key concepts and ideas from the chapter. The aim of the activity is to ensure understanding and discussion in the audience. Thus, chapter concepts must be explained by the presenters and discussed with the audience.

  1. In taking an active role, your group will essentially be the classroom instructors for that chapter. Think of ways to involve your fellow students in the learning process and discussion.

  1. Remember to engage your audience in the learning process. Each group should not only incorporate textbook concepts into activities, exercises, and class discussion, but also add information and materials from outside sources (i.e. videos or handouts).

  1. Conflicts may arise amongst the group during preparation for the presentation. This is a normal part of group development and of the learning process. It is the responsibility of the group to handle these conflicts and to prevent them from influencing the group’s performance.

  1. In case a group member does not show during the group presentation, the group must step in and cover the missing student’s material in such a manner that the audience would not know that a member of the group is missing. In other words, all group members must be prepared to cover all aspects of the group’s material.

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