I need a kindly feedback for this class mate. Her essay is horrible. I need to give her a professional feedback without hurting her feelings. Use this week’s discussion to give and get some helpful feedback on the final essay assignment. To begin, upload

For my persuasive essay, I have decided to write about the importance of relaxation, sleep, and stress

relief for working adults. I believe that there is a problem with the way that many people value their careers over their well-being. It is very intriguing that this issue is extremely relevant in my life with

school, work and family. But the problem doesn't disappear after college - in fact, it seems to worsen.

With more people dying of chronic illness caused by lifestyle choices. I think that people need to made

aware of the effects of stress and sleep deprivation on their bodies. Although I'm sure that many people

agree that this is a

real issue, I don't think that people quite understand the importance of the subject. I am hoping to

persuade my audience (working adults) that changes needed to be made. Some stress coping strategies, "or "how to

deal with excessive stress, and other similar questions are probably

among the most popular Google search in the U.S. Indeed, the standard

American citizen faces an enormous amount of stressful events. Specialist around the world has noticed

that people with a strong sense of humor tend to be happier and deal with stress better than those who

take negative events close to their hearts or ruminate about them. Having a

healthy sense of humor does not mean their jokes are always funny,

However, it says they try to fins the positive or funny side in their misfortunes or at least do not

overreact negatively. Therefore, a sense of humor can directly influence how a person feels, regarding

concerning of the mind and body. Scientist claim that a sense of humor has both short-term and long-

term positive effects on our bodies and minds. For example, in a

short-term perspective, a sense of humor can stimulate your internal organs. Due to fresh oxygen-rich

air which you inhale when you laugh such as the heart, lungs, and muscles. The long-term effects the

strengthening of your immune system, improving your overall mood and satisfaction with life and

yourself, and even pain relievers laughter is known to break a pain-spasm cycle common to some muscle


Domestic violence is associated with mistreatment of women. Different forms of domestic violence that affect men,

Women, and children. The abuse happens in multiple ways. Including physical, emotional and mental.

There are numerous cases of domestic violence each year with people being abusive toward their

significant other, partner or their family members. While there are different organizations, coalitions

and help lines available to get abused victims the support they need, why are there people not taking

advantage of their support services? Some people do not have to deal with the abuse and continue to

do so anyway. Domestic violence occurs when the person committing it has issues with control. Some

that commit such abusive acts experienced the abuse themselves earlier in life. Few think this is the way

they should treat others as this form of control is all they know. For others, they feel this is an

acceptable way to show they care for others when it is not. There are excuses given by those that

commit such acts that are often unacceptable. At the same time, it is a problem that continues to ignore

since so many people deal with it without coming forward. We can learn about abusive behavior.

Patterns and develop strategies for helping people deal with it. But, does these antics work and to what

extent? We know abuse can occur at any time, and it can happen to anyone, but where does the line

cross when it is wrong? Some people deal with forms of abuse and do so for so long they do not care

anymore. Some agencies help people deal with abuse but what happens when a

person decides to go back to that unhealthy environment? Do such organizations that provide support

and assistance offer enough to help people understand this behavior is not right in society? Domestic

violence has led to people losing their lives over nonsense. Some countries condone domestic violence

on women when they do not enforce measures to stop it. There is much more work to do in

understanding why people treat others unfairly. Researchers may explain possible reasons for ongoing

behavior patterns in victims and in those who commit abuse. This form of abusive has become too

familiar, yet people still have issues in not reporting it. Victims need ways to help them see past fear

when trying to get out of dangerous situations involving abuse. However, still, there are some opinions

about domestic violence as something that can help parents in teaching their kids good manners or

know right from wrong. Or, there are different views on the issue of modern mass media promoting

domestic violence by showing numerous incidents and reporting about increasing domestic violence

cases. There is certain controversy related to this subject, that is why it can choose a good

argumentative essay topic. In other words, a student who made up the mind to write an argumentative

essay on domestic violence can choose an idea and make a stand, and then bring as many as possible

supporting arguments to prove that the reader should take the author's point of view. The primary

objective of all argumentative essays and every student who's got an assignment to write this type of

academic paper should keep this in mind.

Postpartum depression is one of the major health issues for many

different culture and women, there are some steps, which help in

diagnosing postpartum depression, such as detection of depressive

symptomatology among women who had given birth requires screening

The program requires careful consideration, which can overcome the

Evidence-based decisions. Moreover, testing and test of sensitivity can provide a better result, which

may help in interpreting the readily and incorporated practices that can cure the postpartum

depression. Research suggests that postpartum depression agreeable for making interventions in

treatment that provides reasoning for the screening program. This depression can affect women of all

ages, as it involves economic, racial and ethnic status.

Postpartum depression, also known as postnatal depression, is a form of depression

that occurs in the mother after the birth of his son and has been For centuries. Mothers suffering from this disorder feel excessive worry or anxiety, are extremely

irritable and feel overburdened and under pressure, is often a general difficulty in making decisions, the mood is depressed, are constant feelings of guilt and loss of hope in future combined with a marked loss of interest or pleasure. In doing things. Postpartum depression does not have a single cause, but the results from a combination of physical and emotional factors.

Postpartum depression does not occur because of something a mother does or does not do. After

childbirth, the levels of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in a woman's body quickly drop. This leads to chemical changes in her brain that may trigger mood swings.

Also many mothers are unable to get the rest they need to recover fully from

Giving birth. Constant sleep deprivation can lead to physical discomfort

and exhaustion, which can contribute to the symptoms of postpartum
