Running head: IMPROVE ETHICAL PERFORMANCE 1 Using Leadership to Improve Ethical Performance Your Name Course Name; Number Dr. Laura Jones University Name Date Submitted IMPROVE ETHICAL PERFORMANCE 2 Using Leadership to Improve Ethical Performance Place the title of the paper and not the word “Introduction” on the first line. Tab to the .5-inch mark to begin your introductory paragraph .To develop an introduction, begin with some interesting facts about the topic and then narrow the focus to the specific topics for discussion . The introduction should include a thesis s tatement and succinctly describe the order in which you organize the body of the paper .Please provide in -text citation sfor the i nformation you provide . Interview of _______ 1. How would you define leadership? 2. As a leader, what do you do when peop le on your team aren’t pulling their weight? 3. What is one of the greatest leadership challenges you have ever faced? What did you do? What was the result? 4. How would you describe your communication style? 5. Describe a situation in which effective interpersonal communication skills contributed to your success. 6. Describe your personal actions by which you convey to your staff that ethics/ethical behavior is a high priority with you and that you also expect it to be a high priority with your staff. 7. Related to the p revious question, describe how your personal actions (demonstrating ethics is a priority) have impacted your staff and/or colleagues. 8. Describe a situation where you recognized a need to communicate clear expectations for ethical practice. How did you recog nize that expectations had to be clarified? What did you do or say to clarify the expectations? IMPROVE ETHICAL PERFORMANCE 3 Analysis Leadership You may include the wording “The following responses are relevant to this analysis of leadership ”. Summarize the answers you gathered in your interview that are relevant to this analysis .

Provide an anal ysis of the leadership approach .A thorough analysis would include a determined leadership style and relevant leadership theories. Include in-text citations to support the information you present in the paper. An example of an in -text citation that you place at the end of the information you paraphrased is (Boone, 2012) .Please note the above heading is bold and the major wor ds begin with capital letters. Compare and contrast the leader’s point of view about leadership with your own perception of it. Include in-text citations to support the information .Another approach to using in-text citation is to include the citation at the beginning of the sentence as follows. According to Boone (2012 ),then provide the information. Moti vation You may include the wording “The following responses are relevant to this analysis of motivation ”. Summarize the answers that you gathered in your interview that are relevant to this analysis. Provide an analysis the leader ’sapproach to motivation. Consider motivational theories to support the analysis. Include in-text citations to support the information .If there are two authors for the source you are using, an example of the in -text citation that comes at the end of the information you paraphrased is as follows ( Boone & Kurtz 2 012 ). IMPROVE ETHICAL PERFORMANCE 4 Ethical Values You may i nclude the wording “The following responses are relevant to this analysis of ethical values ”.Summarize the answers that you gathered in your interview that are relevant to this analysis. Provide an analysis of the leader ’sethical values .Include specific values identified from the interview. Some e xamples of specific ethical values are fair treatment of employees and willingness to give back .Consider theories in business ethics to support the analysis .Include in - text citations to support the i nformation. If there are two authors for the source and t he citation is at the beginning of the sentence, change “&” sign to the word “and” as follows . According to Boone and Kurtz (2012 ),then the information would follow. Impact of Ethical Values on Et hical Performance Assess the impact of the ethical values on the ethical performance of the organization. A thorough response would include a discussion on the ethical performance of the organization and link the ethical values of the leader to the ethica l performance .Include in-text citations to support your information .In some cases, you will have at least two sources to support the information you provide. In those cases, a n example of an in -text citation that you place at the end of the informatio n you paraphrased is as follows (McLean , 200 5;Draft , 2012). Note that a semicolon separates each source. Conclusion End the paper with a conclusion. After the conclusion, insert a page break and begin the list of references on the new page. List only the sources used in the paper on the reference page . The sources lis ted in the reference page should have a hanging i ndentation and should be double - space d. For information on listing the sources ,refer to the APA guidelines. The reference page IMPROVE ETHICAL PERFORMANCE 5 below sh ows some examples. Please note the information you should italicize and which you should capitalize. IMPROVE ETHICAL PERFORMANCE 6 References Boone, L. E. & Kurtz, D. L. (2012 Update). Contemporary business (14th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Daft, R. (2012). Management (10th ed.) .Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. McLean, C. (2005). Evaluating critical thinking skills :Two conceptualizations. Journal of Distance Education, 20 (2), 1 -20. Retrieved from ProQuest database.