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Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry

Mini Research Paper Assignment Guideline.

A brief description of this writing assignment is as follows.

  1. Choose a topic related to HR issues

  2. Find and read three articles according to your topic

  3. Make a cover page

  4. Summarize three articles about half page per article

  • Follow the required layout to write article summary

  • List article title, author, link and summary

  1. Write a synthesized reflection at least two pages 

    1. Describe the importance of the topic

    2. Use examples and cite three articles to support your argument

  1. Pick a topic relating to HR you are interested in finding out more.

  2. Develop a main argument (thesis statement).

  3. Identify three articles to the topic.

    • Suggested Website: www.workforce.com

    • Make sure the articles are related to Human Resources topics.

  1. Give a summary of each of three articles (about a half – one page for each article). The purpose of these summaries is to give these persons a clear overview of the articles’ main points.

  1. Synthesized Reflection

Describe the importance of the topic you have selected (not each article, but the topic that connects the articles). State what impact or importance this topic has on managers. All three articles must be used to support your argument and citations must be provided for the cited contents/information from the articles.

“Synthesis means putting ideas from many sources together in one essay or presentation. After reading several books, watching movies and participating in a variety of class activities, your task is to organize some of the information around a theme or a question, make generalizations, and then present information (statistics, quotes, examples) in a logical way to support your argument.

Remind yourself that a synthesis is NOT a summary, a comparison or a review. Rather a synthesis is a result of an integration of what you heard/read and your ability to use this learning to develop and support a key thesis or argument.

Learning to write a synthesis paper is a critical skill, crucial to organizing and presenting information is academic and non-academic settings.” (Adopted from http://archives.evergreen.edu/webpages/curricular/2001-2002/poliecon2001/synthesis.htm)

  1. The majority of points (60%) will be assigned to the “Synthesized Reflection” portion of your review.

  1. Style in Business Writing

  • The paper must be written in business writing style.

  • To develop an effective business writing style (adopted from http://pages.uoregon.edu/ddusseau/101/199/style.html)

    1. Use shorter sentences.

    2. Use simpler sentence structures.

    3. Use active voice.

    4. Write from the point of view of the company/manager.

    5. Avoid nominalizing verbs. (changing verbs into nouns, i.e. "decide" into "decision.")

    6. Recommend action rather than refer to individual mental states (i.e. I think, I feel like, etc.).

    7. Avoid personalizing pronouns such as “they,” “it,” “those,” “you,” and “these.”

      1. For example, change “You need to….” to “Managers need to…” “They need to…” to “Employees need to…”



The purpose of the summaries is to give this person a clear overview of the article’s main points.

  • The criteria for the summaries are

    1. Conciseness and accuracy

    2. Comprehensiveness and balance

Synthesized reflection: Importance

  • The criteria for this section are

  • Clearly stated the impact or importance the topic has on managers

    • State WHY the topic is important

    • Using examples is a good way to explain why the topic is important

  • Organization should be logical

  • Paragraphs should be developed with pertinent examples or citations from the articles used for the summary

  • Writing style will be suited to the intended readers

  • Citing all three articles to support the main argument.

Clarity, readability, grammatical correctness, format

        • The paper must be typed, double spacing, 12 point Times New Roman font. Expected length is at least 4-5 pages (2-3 pages for article summaries, at least 2 pages for synthesized reflection).

        • Cover page – include the topic and student number

        • Include copies of articles that you read from www.workforce.com.

  • Links to the articles are acceptable as long as the links lead to the actual articles.

        • Put articles’ title and authors’ name on top of each summary.

        • Use headings and subheadings

I. First Draft

  • Double spaced

  • 12 Font size Times New Roman; 11-font size if Arial used.

  • 4 -5 page excluding the cover page

  • Must written in Word format. PDF or other formats are not Accepted.

  • A paper must follow the layout:

  • Cover page with a proper title (2 points)

  • Title of 1st article, author’s name, and URL to the article (3 points)

  • Title of 2nd article, author’s name, and URL to the article (1 points)

  • Title of 3rd article, author’s name, and URL to the article (1 points)

  • Heading - Synthesized Reflection (2 points)

  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.

  • Students who have not submitted their first draft by the deadline will not receive a peer’s paper to review. This will result in losing a total of 35 points (20 for the first draft and 15 for the peer review).

  • Where to submit: Canvas - Assignments – Mini Research Paper First Draft

Grading Rubric

Excellent (A)

Convincingly and ardently communicates a noteworthy idea to an audience through business style writing.

Good (B)

Effectively conveys an insightful idea to an audience through consistent and controlled use of business writing strategies.

Fair (C)

Communicates an idea, but does not consistently address the needs of its audience.

Poor (D)

Ineffectively communicates its idea to its intended audience.

Fail (F)

Fails to present its ideas to the audience and does not meet some or all of the criteria for the assignment.

Content & Development
50 %

        • Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive.

        • Major points are stated clearly and are well supported.

        • Content and purpose of the writing are clear.

        • Demonstrates an awareness of audience and is clearly established and maintained throughout.

        • Content is accurate and persuasive.

        • Major points are stated.

        • Content and purpose of the writing are clear.

        • Content is not comprehensive and /or persuasive.

        • Major points are addressed, but not well supported.

        • Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought.

  • Content is incomplete.

  • Major points are not clear and /or persuasive.

  • Reveals limited awareness of audience.

  • Development displays little knowledge of the subject, and fails exhibit critical thinking or clear reasoning.

  • Content has no awareness, or limited awareness, its audience and purpose.

  • Displays little or no knowledge of the subject, or fails to exhibit critical thinking or clear reasoning.

Organization & Structure
30 %

  • Structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow.

  • Paragraph transitions are logical and maintain the flow of thought throughout the paper.

  • Conclusion is logical and flows from the body of the paper.

  • Demonstrates critical thinking that is clear, insightful, in depth, and relevant to the topic.

  • Structure is mostly clear, logical and easy to follow.

  • Paragraph transitions are present.

  • Conclusion is logical.

  • Demonstrates critical thinking that is more than adequate, with significant detail; may show depth in thinking and research

  • Structure of the paper is not easy to follow.

  • Organization is choppy and may, at times, be difficult to follow.

  • Paragraph transitions need improvement.

  • Conclusion is missing, or if provided, does not flow from the body of the paper.

  • Organization and structure detract from the message of the writer.

  • Paragraphs are disjointed and lack transition of thoughts.

  • Organization is random and without focus.



  • Paper follows all designated guidelines.

  • Paper is the appropriate length as described for the assignment.

  • Format enhances readability of paper.

  • Paper follows designated guidelines.

  • Paper is the appropriate length as described for the assignment.

  • Format is good.

  • Paper follows most guidelines.

  • Paper is over/ under word length.

  • Paper lacks many elements of correct formatting.

  • Paper is inadequate/excessive in length.

  • Paper is not double spaced

  • Makes no attempts to use the elements of correct formatting.

Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling

  • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

  • Language is clear and precise; sentences display consistently strong, varied structure.

  • Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed with minor errors.

  • Spelling is correct.

  • Paper contains few grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors.

  • Language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon or conversationa-l tone.

  • Paper contains numerous grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors.

  • Language uses jargon or conversational tone.

  • Paper contains serious and multiple errors that seriously hinder the reading of the paper.