literature review about communication in the workplace i'm studying Department of Health and Human Services

The Importance of Communication in the workplace

Capstone Project

Name: Muneera Alsalem

PUB 592

Dr. Rui Sun

California State University Dominguez Hills


The lack of interpersonal communications between public administrators and their staff members can have a number of consequences in the workplace. One of the consequences is disorganization and disorder among the employees about their duties and tasks ascribed to them. Another consequence is a failure to pursue organizational objectives in an effective manner, which has repercussions in serving the greater public. A lack of communication between public administrators and their staff members can also create conditions of chaos and division in regards to pursuing what is best for the public constituents (Denhardt, R.B., Denhardt, J.V. & Aristigueta, M.P., 2013). The research question to be addressed in this study is: Does good communication between leaders and employees improve employee productivity?

In organizations the lack of communication and how it impacts on the teamwork has a negative relation with the organization goals. For instance, Dekay (2012 ) asserts that a major pitfall in organizational workplaces is the lack of knowledge and skills in regards to interpersonal communications. This author embarks on a research effort to clarify that many employers fail to place any value on improving written communications, and in addressing oral communications, many of their approaches are insufficient or inadequate. It is found in this research effort that interpersonal communication skills are critically important for productive, successful employees, while those who have less developed or inadequate interpersonal communication skills struggle to achieve positive outcomes. Delcambre (2010) clarifies the nature of interactions, transactions, and exchanges in an organizational setting to distinguish the value of interpersonal communications. By focusing in on the exact nature of these interactions, transactions, and exchanges in organizational settings, this author attempts to demonstrate the positive impacts of interpersonal communication skills. It is evident that when managers and employees deploy interpersonal communication skills effectively that they have much greater success. Bonaccio and colleagues (2016) research they often-overlooked dimension of non-verbal communications in the social worlds of organizations. It is discovered by these researchers that management has lagged behind in understanding the crucial importance of their non-verbal behaviors on their subordinates. It is asserted that nonverbal behavior by management has extensive impacts on the productivity of their subordinates. Choren (2015) asserts that interpersonal communication skills are vital for professional development and personal growth in organizational settings. This author explains that interpersonal communication skills are vital for employees in any organizational context to transmit useful, valuable information to each other, to management, and to outsiders, like suppliers and clients.

In order to support some of these research findings, this research study will specifically uses data from the 2015 Federal Employee View Point Survey (FEVS) in regards to interpersonal communication skills of public administrators and subordinates in public organizations, and conduct quantitative analysis to help clarify some of these important findings in the relevant literature on this subject area.

This study is important because of the lack of attention given to interpersonal communication skills by many public administrators. This study seeks to demonstrate clearly and concisely how valuable interpersonal communication skills can be for success to be achieved in public organizations. In addition, this study can demonstrate by failing to address the importance of interpersonal communication skills in the public organizations, many public administrators are overlooking an extremely vital area that can assist in improving the transmission of information and the productivity of their workplaces. Finally, this study will also shed light on the need to pursue further research efforts in this area of interpersonal communications in the public administrative workplaces.

The study is organized in various sections; literature review, methods, results and conclusion. Under literature review section, the relevant studies used in developing theoretical framework for the study will be synthesized. The section also provides an overview of the important research associated with outcome of lack of communication in the workplace. The data and statistical measures used in conducting the study are described under the methodology section. The results section provides a brief description of the major findings of the study while the conclusion section discusses the possible implications of the key findings.


Bonaccio, S., O’Reilly, J., O’Sullivan, S. L., & Chiocchio, F. (2016). Nonverbal Behavior and Communication in the Workplace: A Review and an Agenda for Research. Journal of Management, 42(5), 1044-1074.

Choren, A. (2015). The Importance of Communication in the Workplace. IEEE Potentials, 34(3), 10-11.

DeKay, S. H. (2012). Interpersonal communication in the workplace: A largely unexplored region. Business Communication Quarterly, 75(4), 449-452.

Delcambre, P. (2010). Written and oral communication in the workplace—Deployment, stabilized forms of interactions, and workload: An organizational approach. Management Communication Quarterly, 24(4), 635-642.

Denhardt, R. B., Denhardt, J. V., & Aristigueta, M. P. (2012). Managing human behavior in public and nonprofit organizations. Sage Publications.