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literature review about communication in the workplace i'm studying Department of Health and Human Services

my major is public administration

I have attached an example for a literature review it should be (5 to 6 pages double spaced"APA style"", the instructions and the references, the word documents I've attached from previous assignments, please use them. 

Also, the introduction so you can connect them together

its a quantitative research I'm studying these variables and their effect on productivity:

if my supervisor/team leader treats me with respect?

o   (50) if In the last six months, my supervisor/team leader has talked with me about my performance?

if  Managers communicate the goals and priorities of the organization?

o  (58) if  Managers promote communication among different work units (for example, about projects, goals, needed resources)?

 if My supervisor/team leader listens to what I have to say?

I was thinking about these themes if you have better suggestions please do whatever works best


                          i.         Supportive communication(49,50)

(49) if my supervisor/team leader treats me with respect?

o   (50) if In the last six months, my supervisor/team leader has talked with me about my performance?

                         ii.        Speaking(56, 58) Effective team work

o (56) if  Managers communicate the goals and priorities of the organization?

o  (58) if  Managers promote communication among different work units (for example, about projects, goals, needed resources)?

                iii.     Active(attentive)  listening 

48) if My supervisor/team leader listens to what I have to say?

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